[Clipart] SVG::Metadata 0.14

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Tue Aug 10 17:00:26 PDT 2004

Alberto Simões <hashashin at gmail.com> writes:

> Yes, 0.14 installs correctly if you do the installation manually:
>   perl Makefile.PL
>   make
>   make install
> But, CPAN shell does also a make test. Given there are no tests in t/
> it complains :)

Oh, that's an _easy_ fix.  Create a file t/001_load.t with the
following six lines:

# -*- perl -*-
# t/001_load.t - check module loading and create testing directory
use Test::More tests => 2;
BEGIN { use_ok( 'SVG::Metadata' ); }
my $object = SVG::Metadata->new ();
isa_ok ($object, 'SVG::Metadata');

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