[Clipart] character coding

Stephen Silver ocalocal at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 9 14:08:21 PST 2005

Jon Phillips wrote:

> Stephen Silver wrote:

> > I uploaded two test files today, and the non-ASCII characters (whether
> > encoded as UTF-8 or as numeric character references) were converted to
> > character entity references, except for a couple that were converted to
> > numeric character references.  I think that this is wrong too: the SVG DTD
> > doesn't declare the character entity references so they can't be used.
> > Inkscape just strips them out.

> What version of Inkscape are you using as well. The most recent version in CVS 
> received much attention in its Internationalization. It got released yesterday 
> btw, version 0.41.

I'm using 0.40.  I didn't realize that 0.41 was out.  But 0.40 isn't doing
anything particularly wrong here, as far as I can see - it's ignoring things
that aren't supposed to be there anyway.  It has no problem with characters
that are correctly encoded (UTF-8 or numeric character references).

> > Well, accept-charset was defined in HTML 4.0 (April 1998), but apart from
> > that I have no idea.  If you find that this doesn't work in many browsers
> > then you may have to look at the Content-Type field in the HTTP header to
> > see what encoding the data is in, and then convert it.

I should have said the part header, not the HTTP header.

Stephen Silver

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