[Clipart] OCAL

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Wed Mar 16 04:09:00 PST 2005


The chair of SVG Open asked me to put together something for this
summer's SVGOPEN conference in the Netherlands. I already have paper
ready to go for the conference (because I worked on one for last year
but couldn't attend).

Anyhow, I'm curious if anyone here would like to develop a hackfest
based upon Inkscape and OCAL for SVGOPEN. This would last either half a
day or a full day.

I'm thinking it would be cool to do it two-pronged:

1.) Set some goal for creating SVGs and submitting to OCAL using
2.) Focus on developing some tools for OCAL

I haven't fleshed out these two details, but need to do so in the next
day or so. Would anyone in Europe (or elsewhere) like to help me with

MRDOCS and NICU, I know you both live in EURO-land. Would you guys like
to help me coordinate this?



Jon Phillips

USA PH 510.499.0894
jon at rejon.org

Inkscape (http://inkscape.org)
Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org)
CVS Book (http://cvsbook.ucsd.edu)
Scale Journal (http://scale.ucsd.edu)

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