[Clipart] wmftosvg converter

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Tue Mar 29 08:58:46 PST 2005

"Stephen Silver" <ocalocal at btinternet.com> writes:

> (By the way, my WMF-to-SVG converter is much improved since I first
> mentioned it, though it won't yet convert WMF files that contain
> text or bitmaps.  http://www.argentum.freeserve.co.uk/wmftosvg.zip )

I am having difficulty getting this to compile.  I think I may just
need to install the devel package for some math-related library or
another, but rpmdrake turns up nothing with the word "math" in it.  
Here's what's happening:

gcc wmftosvg.c wmf.c
/root/tmp/ccPueFI5.o(.text+0x1157): In function `ellipse_point':
: undefined reference to `cos'
/root/tmp/ccPueFI5.o(.text+0x116b): In function `ellipse_point':
: undefined reference to `sin'
/root/tmp/ccPueFI5.o(.text+0x11a0): In function `ellipse_point':
: undefined reference to `sqrt'
/root/tmp/ccPueFI5.o(.text+0x169a): In function `write_SVG_arcpie':
: undefined reference to `atan2'
/root/tmp/ccPueFI5.o(.text+0x16e1): In function `write_SVG_arcpie':
: undefined reference to `atan2'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

It could be just something I'm doing wrong on my command line; I'm not
very experienced with compiling C code that doesn't come with a
./configure script (or else Makefile.PL).

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