[Clipart] What would it take to get a .19 release out?

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Mon Apr 3 08:24:13 PDT 2006

"Stephen Silver" <ocalocal at btinternet.com> writes:

> > >    make -f Makefile.gcc
> > 
> > gcc -Wall -W -pedantic -ansi -O2 -o wmfinfo  -lm
> This is very strange - there ought to be some object files specified
> in that command.  It seems that the $^ in the makefile is being
> expanded to an empty string instead of a list of object files.  I
> don't understand how this can happen, especially as it worked for
> you on your previous system.  Unless you're using a non-GNU make,
> perhaps.

I don't know much about make (I'm not much of a C programmer), but
it's entirely possible that various utilities on this system are from
BSD, rather than Gnu, since I am using FreeBSD now.  The compiler is
gcc, though, and /usr/bin/cc appears to be a hard link to the same
binary.  cc -v reports that it is gcc version 3.4.4.

Perhaps the Gnu compiler and the Gnu make tool don't always go
hand-in-hand as I would have assumed?  Dunno.  The man page for make
doesn't say anything about Gnu, but I'm not sure if it necessarily
would anyway.  make doesn't support -v or --version, if that means
anything.  Both gcc and make are in /usr/bin, implying that they are a
core part of the distribution.  (Anything added with ports or packages
usually goes in /usr/local on FreeBSD, unless it goes in /usr/X11R6.
Even things like emacs and sudo and bash are in /usr/local/bin.  But
gcc and make are both in /usr/bin, implying that they are core parts
of the OS in the eyes of the FreeBSD developers.  (Of course, in my
eyes, Emacs is categorically more essential than anything else in this
paragraph...  I wouldn't even consider using any OS without Emacs.))

> Anyway, I've made a new version of WMFtoSVG, with a makefile
> that doesn't use $^ (or any other automatic variables):
>   http://www.argentum.freeserve.co.uk/wmftosvg.zip

make -f Makefile seems to work (although I haven't tested the
resulting binaries yet).

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