[Clipart] cchost hacking (was Re: Screenshot uploaded: age)

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.org
Sat Feb 11 15:07:48 PST 2006

On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 09:33:51PM -0700, Michael Moore wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2006 19:54:09 -0500, Jonadab the Unsightly One
> <jonadab at bright.net> wrote:
> > > I think we all know php well enough,
> >
> > I don't know PHP at all.
> I know very little PHP. I regularly use <?php include('somefile.php')
> ?>, and can do basic other code tweaks, but I couldn't sit down and
> write anything.

Well, this could be an excellent opportunity to learn.  ;-)

Actually I think initially a lot of our work is just going to be
replacing strings, not anything php-heavy.  For instance, once you've
logged in, if you edit your profile, there's text that says 

  What I'm Looking For: List attributes of musicians you'd like to hook
  up with (e.g. Producer, singer, drummer)"

We have to change stuff like that to be relevant to clipart artists.

So the work process is something like this:

   a.  Poke around on http://openclipart.org/cchost until you find some
       text that isn't right for OCAL

   b.  Download the tarball and open it up, then search for the text.

       tar xjf cchost-1.0.3.tar.bz2
       grep -sr "What I'm looking for" cchost-1.0.3/

   c.  Make a copy of the file, and then edit it to suit:
       cd cchost-1.0.3
       cp some/file.php some/file.php-new

   d.  Create a patch like this:

       diff -u some/file.php some/file.php-new > some_file.diff

   e.  Post the patch here.  Put [PATCH] in the subject line so rejon
       can find it easily.

> Timewise, I may be able to meet tomorrow, and would like to but my
> wife is 6 days overdue, so I may not be arround. My inlaws are also in
> town, so I'll be entertaining during various parts of the day.
> Assuming no baby, and depending on the time, I could attend though.

Cool, well we'll keep it loose.  I ended up making some plans for
tomorrow, but I've done a bit of hacking today, and probably will do
some more off and on through the day.

So give it a shot and see what you can do.  Like I said, most of the
work should be pretty easy text replace stuff, CSS, and HTML.  Once we
get comfortable, we can look into doing some of the more advanced
stuff like the rotating screenshots.  :-)


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