[Clipart] logo

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Wed Feb 15 08:10:17 PST 2006

Bryce Harrington <bryce at bryceharrington.org> writes:

> On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 05:03:38PM -0500, Nathan Eady wrote:
> > I don't know enough PHP to access the difficulty, but I can tell
> > you that solving these issues is going to mean changing the PHP,
> > not just the plug-in values.
> Hmm, ok well perhaps we could get Victor's advice on this one.  It might
> be something he could fix fairly easily.  But if nothing else, what
> you've done so far with the header looks acceptable at least in firefox,
> so wouldn't be a showstopper if we couldn't find a PHP person to do some
> refactoring on it right away.

This stuff may not be a showstopper for initial rollout, but it will
be something we will *definitely* want to fix at some point.  I mean,
as long as it's only handling new uploads and stuff, we can tell the
artists on the mailing list to use a Real Browser(TM), but if we're
going to replace the home page with it, we'll want it to be at least
minimally usable in IE too.  And eventually we'll care about the

Ah, well, I guess we can LATER it for now.  It already looks rather
better (in Gecko) than it did, although getting it like that was a
pile of hacks.

> Ah, is the breakage of the search simply due to styling?  

At first I thought it might be, but no, there's some quite invalid
HTML involved.

> Soo...  Assuming the .svg upload works, the next thing would be
> ensuring there are mechanisms for downloading and browsing the whole
> collection, like what we have now.  

Ah, quite so.  Hmmm...

[Jonadab disappears down the hallway, speaking as if to himself...]

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