[Clipart] (no subject)

ryan ryan at lennox.com.au
Tue Oct 24 20:08:59 PDT 2006

I was just looking at johnnyautomatic's upload of the caterpillar that he
had gotten from a book, converted into svg and uploaded into ccHost. Link:


In the description he put: an illustration of a caterpillar from Injurious
insects of the farm and garden Treat, Mary. Orange Judd Company, New York :


That got me thinking, should we set down some basic guidelines - not polcies
or procedures, guidelines for how to reference different types of images
that have been sourced from elsewhere? Is there a defined referencing
standard that we should encourage people to use? Just a thought, because I
feel it would be a good idea for people, if they want to, to be able to find
the original document / image / publication if they wish.


Just a thought.


Ryan Lerch


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