[Clipart] Sorting images in the open clipart library

Jakub Jankiewicz jcubic at onet.pl
Sun Sep 9 17:40:17 PDT 2012

It's great but it seems that you use package that it's few years old,
the last one (which is snapshot on osuosl server
download.openclipart.org) have more then 700MB and it's 2 year old. So I
assume that when we get back packages, (We want to pack them every month
they will be openclipart-svg.<YEAR>.<MONTH>.tar.gz) it will have more
the 1GB of data, when compress.

We will also sync our database data with svg metadata (like tags title
and description) and maybe we will be able to fix their names. Some of
them are digits (I will now talking bad about Aiki here) We can recreate
names based on titles.

So they will be searchable, using Unix tools like grep and find or will
allow to create scripts that will parse svg matadata.

We can also sort them by tags and create symlinks (they will not be
recreated on windows) like

real files:


old packages is just dump of the folder.

On Sun, 9 Sep 2012 23:02:20 +0100
Ian Lynch <ianrlynch at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new here but I recently sorted most of the clipart on open
> clipart.org into categories the result is a 360 meg zip file with
> several folders containing images grouped by types eg transport,
> people, food etc. I'm not sure if this is of any use to anyone but I
> put the file in my public dropbox folder
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1115462/casource.zip.
> Sorting is to an extent arbitrary but hopefully it might be useful to
> some people.

Jakub Jankiewicz, Web Developer
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