Qt bindings

Tako Schotanus quintesse at palacio-cristal.com
Sun Jun 19 04:00:09 PDT 2005

Zack Rusin wrote:

>On Thursday 16 June 2005 17:14, James Thorniley wrote:
>>This does present a problem - no one will want to use two completely
>>different APIs. 
>Ehh, people should just just Qt 4, it'd be easier on everyone...
Is this just wishful thinking or is it actually possible to use Qt4 
instead of 3 right now (without recompiling every Qt app on your system 
that is ;-)

>>It might be interesting to see if the Qt4 bindings 
>>could be backported to Qt3, so it would be possible to use D-BUS in
>>Qt3 programs and easily upgrade to Qt4.
>Heh, good luck with that. 
Took a look at that some time ago and yes that will be more difficult 
because Qt3 has not enough introspection capabilities. But it might be 
possible of course to make some bindings which generate automatically 
when used in Qt4 and which get comiled by some external app for Qt3. As 
long as the public api for the bindings remains the same it should be 
possible. But having too little experience either way I might be 
underestimating the problem greatly ;-)


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