D BUS for real time application

Madison Kelly linux at alteeve.com
Wed Aug 27 04:59:25 PDT 2008

> Hi Madi,
> Actually we are having a application framework which is having three 
> important blocks like server which provides complete library support and 
> binary support for running the application then there is a application 
> launcher which launches the application and the most important is the 
> IPC among them which is D BUS .
> D BUS is responsible for every request for launching of application and 
> inbetween remote procedure call and inter process communication apart 
> from D BUS we are also using SOCKET for the same my observation says 
> that SOCKET'S are much faster then using D BUS i may be wrong correct me 
> if it is so.
> Apart from that what i think is if we will develop a interface for every 
> kind of application like web browser,media player etc. we will make the 
> system drastically fast and systematic and easy to handle coz finally 
> each application requires some sort of remote procedure call or 
> interdependency ,now my doubt is will it be possible to use D BUS as 
> total solution or mixed of D BUS and socket , will D BUS will be able to 
> provide this much throughput or not .
> Regards,
> Deepesh

 From what I gather, I think D-Bus will work for you just fine.

If you want to push large amounts of data between applications, a socket 
will likely still be your best bet. According to the D-Bus FAQ, a socket 
file is roughly 2.5 times faster than D-Bus for raw throughput. The 
reason is that D-Bus does a lot more than just pass messages; Life cycle 
tracking, security and routing. This added overhead comes at a cost.

For getting messages between applications though, D-Bus is very quick. 
The main benefits of D-Bus are:

- You get methods accessible to anything on the same D-Bus, regardless 
of programming language. All you need to know about a published method 
is what types of input parameters you need to pass it and what return 
parameters to expect back, if any.

- You get life cycle tracking. D-Bus will let your application know when 
a listener or service provider goes offline. You can use something like 
this to trigger checks on a server and restart it after a crash, for 

If you do want to transfer a lot of data, you would probably be 
successful at combining a D-Bus for message passing and control with 
tradition sockets for file transfer. This would give you the nice 
benefits and security of D-Bus with the bandwidth you want.

I would love to hear other people on this list let me know what they 
think of my assessment of your needs and D-Bus. In the mean time, please 
feel free to ask any more questions.


PS - What programming language(s) are you using?

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