[patch] update - includes "is_autofs_managed".

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sat Sep 25 03:17:05 PDT 2004

david, hi,

i noticed this patch turns out to 45k long so am putting it at

i _had_ to do the /etc/fstab checking thing _and_ your idea of
back-recording is_autofs_managed boolean into the hal db.

works like a charm.

well, i'm sorry to have to say that, for now, that's it from me: i have
so so much else to do that now i have something working, i can't afford
any more time to "Make It Nice".

much of what i'm up to these days is like that, which is why i'm working
with kde cvs from last week *shudder* :)


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