[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] gallium/tgsi: clarify (possibly change) TGSI_OPCODE_UCMP definition

Bryan Cain bryancain3 at gmail.com
Wed May 8 18:55:41 PDT 2013

On 05/08/2013 03:26 PM, Roland Scheidegger wrote:
> There's some other
> somewhat bogus code with comments saying UCMP should be used instead of
> some poor emulation with i2f instructions.

Yeah, sorry about that.  I wrote that code (and comment) a few days
before the UCMP opcode was added to TGSI, and didn't notice until today
that it was never updated to actually use UCMP.  There are a few changes
and clean-ups I've been wanting to make to glsl_to_tgsi anyway - I'll
include an update to emit UCMP if someone hasn't already done so by the
time I finish that and send out a patch set.


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