[Uim] uim and icewm

Jan Willem Stumpel jstumpel at planet.nl
Fri Dec 10 16:31:44 EET 2004

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki wrote:

> I hope you to create a new thread when you have a new topic...

Sorry. Don't know what went wrong..

>> [..]Is this a known "incompatibility" between uim and icewm?
> That seems strange. I tested with icewm, but I couldn't
> reproduce the bug.
> exec icewmtray& 
> exec uim-xim&
> exec uim-helper-toolbar-gtk-systray&
> export XMODIFIERS=@im=uim
> export GTK_IM_MODULE=uim 
> xmodmap -e "keycode 131 =  Multi_key"
> exec icewm

Thanks! The essential point seems to be the call to icewmtray. For
some reason this was called the first time, but not after
restarting X. Debian has a complicated X start-up system, not
using .xinitrc. I must investigate this, maybe it is a Debian bug.

Anyway, I changed to xfce4/xfwm4 now, which is perhaps even nicer
than icewm, and which does not have the problem. BTW which key has
keycode 131? In Debian it seems, the default Multi_key/Compose key
(on a 105-key keyboard at least) is the right-hand "Windows" key,
with keycode 116.

Regards, Jan

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