[Uim] New development roles

YamaKen yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
Tue Nov 15 05:38:41 EET 2005

Hello Hiroyuki and all.

I sincerely thank you for your hard work until now and the role
transfer decision. I will do my best for uim in cooperation with
Etsushi and all other contributors.

Frankly speaking, I was not confident about a happy development
way of uim that satisfies both other committers and me. Goals,
preferences, working methods and many things are different among
us. But after some private discussions, all other committers
gave me an agreement of decision-making leading role. Then I
think about it for a while, and accepted the role.

At the time, I asked Etsushi to become the release manager. It
was quite important for me and the project, since I'm lacking
some appropriateness for it, and he is best talented. I also
thank you and happy about the acceptance.

As my first work, I'll post some messages about the development
issues below.

  - survey current status of uim
  - make future direction clear
  - define project priorities

Once a consensus about it has been formed, I remake the
development roadmap. Please let me know your opinions and

From now, I reconstruct uim to the best I believe. The way and
goals will sometimes dissatisfy someone, but it will still be
worth since it consist of strongly-directed single policy. I
would like your help to actualize the enjoyable thing, and make
development fun.

Best regards,
YamaKen  yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp

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