Xorg 7.0-rc1 and EXA (radeon 9200)

Xavier Bestel xavier.bestel at free.fr
Fri Oct 28 00:26:33 PDT 2005

Le vendredi 28 octobre 2005 à 09:14 +1000, Benjamin Herrenschmidt a
écrit :
> > But KDE is a diffrent thing. When I enable the KDE composite menager it
> > starts to work realy fast with EXA, what can I say ? I am amazed now. With
> > SubPixel disabled and composite enabled my system works realy fast now.
> > 
> > But what about Gnome ?
> Not sure what's up with gnome. It's fairly snappy here but with
> sometimes scenarios where things suddenly get slow... if I run a 3D app,
> indeed, I can see regulary "pauses" though not as along as one second,
> still annoying for anything like a game.

Same thing on my radeon9600, Xorg 6.8.99, without EXA. I see short
"pauses" with 3D apps (even screensaver hacks like GLSlideshow).


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