Matrox g400 patch for hw blends / compositions

Jaymz Julian jaymz at
Mon Apr 19 22:17:21 EST 2004

On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 11:48:11AM +0200, Damien Ciabrini wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've made a patch for the matrox g400 (newer cards should also work) to do 
> blending and compositing in hardware. The patch doesn't work on g200 nor g100 
> due to the lack of multitextures on these cards.

Have you had any success running the mga driver on a multihead card?   I'm just
curious, since it hung my machine solid, and i wanted to know if it was just
me :) (g400max, btw)

	-- jj

Jaymz Julian - Coder, Visionary, Fat Ass.
"Hannibal is a serial killer. He only likes to kill and eat people. 
 Very few people have `I want to be killed and eaten' on their cards, 
 so Hannibal is out of a job." -

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