Document describing X technologies and possible roadmap

Douglas McMorris dougmc83 at
Thu Apr 22 04:54:15 EST 2004

> Hello folks,
> I've created a document diagramming the different X technologies and their
> relationship to each other - ie,  the different X libs, DIX and DDX
> trees available, who makes them, what they do, and the different
> combinations used now and in the future.
> It should answer a lot of fairly common questions and save folks a heap
> of time.
> Please check it for accuracy, report any errors, and let me know about any
> improvements you'd like to see.
> Once that's done, it'd be nice to post on the site.
> HTML version:
> Editable OpenOffice document:
> Thanks,
> Mike
> --
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Mike MacCana 	         Consultant            RHCX, MCSE, MCP+I
> 			0419 394 504
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> xserver mailing list
> xserver at
Does xizzle actually work right now as shown in your diagram?? The last
time i checked out and built xserver, only kdrive was working.

Douglas McMorris
dougmc83 at

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