Using OpenGL as a window manager

Jon Smirl jonsmirl at
Tue Apr 27 07:39:34 EST 2004

The main purpose in doing this is to provide clear fonts. In the current X model
the font bitmaps are generated clientside. If xserver is a transform (scaling 2x
or half size or a distortion) then the font generator needs to know this in
order to generate a differenct bitmap.

In a world of infinite resolution and complete scalability there is no bitmap
for the app window.

--- Martijn Sipkema <msipkema at> wrote:
> > Were there any more ideas on how to do the window transform transparent to
> the
> > app using standard OpenGL. For example app thinks it is drawing into a
> > rectangle. xserver wants the image in a trapezoid. DRI is in use.
> But do we need this? I'm not convinced transparent windows are
> needed and this seems even less necessary. I think an application should
> be able to draw to the framebuffer and know what the resulting pixels
> will be.
> Microsoft seems to be going for retained mode rendering and transformations
> may be easier to do in that way, but I think that is a mistake. We should do
> as
> much as possible client side and I don't see any use in window transforms;
> they just bring in a lot of unwanted complexity.
> --ms
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Jon Smirl
jonsmirl at

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