transformed windowing and OpenGL

Jon Smirl jonsmirl at
Sun May 2 04:56:09 EST 2004

If an app is using Glitz locally OpenGL is going to be direct rendered. This
means the server never sees the drawing commands. 

Client windows can either be drawn straight to a pbuffer and then the pbuffer is
transformed, or the app can do the transform before drawing. If you're doing the
transform first it can't be done at the server since in the DRI case since the
server never sees the drawing traffic. In the transform first case fonts have to
be transformed in the client too.

Note that the server can choose when to do a high quality transformed window. If
it wants high quality it sends a transformed paint command to the client. If low
quality is ok, it just transforms the pbuffer representing the window and never
tells the client.

Jon Smirl
jonsmirl at

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