Composite and damage status

Ely Levy elylevy at
Wed May 12 01:26:18 PDT 2004

Look how nicly I trimed the CC;)
I think it should be something like that:
wiki - for developers and information for users
irc - one channel should be enough (/kill #xwin :)
phone - a bad old expensive way to communicate.
meetings - I like the way xiph does it they set time/channel for the
meeting on irc, this way they have logs they have ppl to participate and
you don't have people whos mother langauge is not english too shy.
and most important it can be completly public.(either participating or
mailing lists- this is an hard one, there is always that thing between too
many and too little mailing lists, I always thought that having one
mailing list is the best with splitting when certain topic become too
active. should xserver and xorg have diffrent mailing lists?should xlibs?
I think in the meanwhile one #X mailing list can handle it all for now.
janitoring - semi developers are very usefull resource that an opensource
project has, for some reason we don't encorage it, we should start IMOH
few projects to make life easier for those developers and let them easily
contribute, one would be XJanitor would I tried to do but got stuck cause
of changing code base and lack of code guidlines (yea, I think we need
one:), the other is documentation project, both letting non programmers or
newbie programmers to participate and contribute and ofcourse add to
reducing the learning curve and making better guides and docs for users.

one last note about openness, I get the feeling that a lot of people don't
find xorg open enough in terms of saying what's going on, I think some
place like or should be for Xorg as well,
and if discussion can make some sort of road map of prediction to the
future it would be nice as well. But I think it sort of silly that I read
about xorg related lectures and meetings on and not
anywhere xorg maintained.

If you might think doing those stuff taking resources we don't have, like
finding people to do it, I think you'll be suprised how many people would
be willing to contribute giving the chance, altough at least some of it
would require participation of the developers.

Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University
Jerusalem Israel

On Tue, 11 May 2004, Keith Packard wrote:

> Around 8 o'clock on May 11, Mathieu Lacage wrote:
> > Maybe it would make sense to put a pointer from the xerver wiki to the
> > real mailing list if there is one or to try to use one exclusively if
> > all these discussions take place privately.
> I think one issue is that we really haven't figured out where technical
> discussions are supposed to happen; we've got too many mailing lists
> that lack focus, along with innumerable IRC channels, and for a while
> during the 6.7 release we were having way too many telephone conferences
> (which always exclude a lot of people, even if the are "public").
> Perhaps we could figure out what resources we have, what resources we need
> and how to get people talking in the right places.
> -keith

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