Xati frees with drm

Peter Karlsson pk at mailamig.nu
Sun May 16 12:06:32 PDT 2004

--- Xavier Bestel <xavier.bestel at free.fr> wrote:
>Le sam 15/05/2004 à 23:35, Eric Anholt a écrit :
>> There's a massive Xati update, with proper Radeon and Rage 128 Composite
>> acceleration probably, in the works.  And it doesn't require the DRM. 
>> Give me a little bit.

I was just wondering what the plans are for hardware acceleration when it comes to 2D and 3D; will dri/drm still be a part of this? Or will there be another solution?

This is (also?) a bit off-topic but does anyone know anything about the possibilities/capabilities of using the gpu's of today in more general purpose calculations, particularly when it comes to X/linux. I get the impression that, since X-developers rarely have good documentation for the hardware, there is restricted access to the gpu under X. Or is this unrelated? See www.gpgpu.org for more info...

Best regards

Peter Karlsson, confused...

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