[Accessibility] TTS API interface description + reqs update

Jonathan Duddington jsd at clara.co.uk
Sun May 7 15:57:37 PDT 2006

In article <200605071722.55769.garycramblitt at comcast.net>,
   Gary Cramblitt <garycramblitt at comcast.net> wrote:

> 2.  What should the implementation do if the character position N is
> in the middle of a word and we are not in spelling mode?  Speak from
> beginning of word?  End of word?  Spell the word fragment?  Attempt
> to speak the word fragment as best it can?  Leave up to the
> implementation/synthesizer?  Return an error?  Currently, AFAIK,
> Festival will spell the word fragment.  I don't think returning
> error is a good idea.

Certainly the synth should do something sensible and not give up with
an error.  I had assumed it should speak from the beginning of the word.

> 1.  What should the implementation do if the character position N is
> in the middle of an SSML tag?  I think it should resume from just
> after the tag (still applying the correct SSML context for the
> entire message).

If the synth needs to take account of the SSML context (i.e. all the
preceding SSML tags) then the effect would be the same whether it
continues from the start or the end of the tag.


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