gitlab migration

James Cloos cloos at
Tue Jun 12 21:36:23 UTC 2018

>>>>> "DS" == Daniel Stone <daniel at> writes:

DS> No need to test; it's guaranteed to fail since we require Recaptcha
DS> for login due to massive spam issues.

Which is of course grossly unethical and malicious and should never be
used by any site, under any circumstances.

If some sort of captcha is ever desired, it always must be something
which works with non-ecmacsipt, TUI browsers.

A simple math question with a simple html text box for the answer is OK.
Or a technical question specific to the given project.

But never goog's malicious crap.

James Cloos <cloos at>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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