Intermittent errors when using amdgpu_job_submit_direct

Kuehling, Felix Felix.Kuehling at
Tue Jul 9 04:53:31 UTC 2019

I'm seeing some weird intermittent bugs (vm faults, hangs, etc) when 
trying to use amdgpu_job_submit_direct. I'm wondering if there is a 
possibility of a race condition, when a submit_direct and a GPU 
scheduler thread try to submit to the same ring at the same time. I 
didn't see any locking to allow multiple threads safely submitting to 
the same ring.

Am I missing something?


F e l i x   K u e h l i n g
PMTS Software Development Engineer | Linux Compute Kernel
1 Commerce Valley Dr. East, Markham, ON L3T 7X6 Canada
(O) +1(289)695-1597
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