[PATCH 2/4] drm/amdkfd: Signal page table fence after KFD flush tlb

Shashank Sharma shashank.sharma at amd.com
Mon Jun 5 15:40:59 UTC 2023

On 05/06/2023 17:18, Christian König wrote:
> Am 05.06.23 um 17:13 schrieb Shashank Sharma:
>> On 02/06/2023 16:54, Felix Kuehling wrote:
>>> Am 2023-06-02 um 07:57 schrieb Christian König:
>>>> Am 01.06.23 um 21:31 schrieb Philip Yang:
>>>>> To free page table BOs which are freed when updating page table, for
>>>>> example PTE BOs when PDE0 used as PTE.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Philip Yang <Philip.Yang at amd.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>   drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_process.c | 5 +++++
>>>>>   1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_process.c 
>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_process.c
>>>>> index af0a4b5257cc..0ff007a74d03 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_process.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_process.c
>>>>> @@ -2101,6 +2101,11 @@ void kfd_flush_tlb(struct 
>>>>> kfd_process_device *pdd, enum TLB_FLUSH_TYPE type)
>>>>>               amdgpu_amdkfd_flush_gpu_tlb_pasid(
>>>>>                   dev->adev, pdd->process->pasid, type, xcc);
>>>>>       }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* Signal page table fence to free page table BOs */
>>>>> +    dma_fence_signal(vm->pt_fence);
>>>> That's not something you can do here.
>>>> Signaling a fence can never depend on anything except for hardware 
>>>> work. In other words dma_fence_signal() is supposed to be called 
>>>> only from interrupt context!
>>> We are signaling eviction fences from normal user context, too. 
>>> There is no practical way to put this into an interrupt handler when 
>>> the TLB flush is being done synchronously on a user thread. We have 
>>> to do this in such a context for user mode queues.
>> We are currently working on adding a provide a high level kernel API 
>> which can be called directly to perform a TLB flush. Internally this 
>> API will add a deferred work to use the SDMA engine to perform a GPU 
>> TLB flush work (to compensate for a HW bug in Navi Chips). If my 
>> understanding is right, by interrupt context Christian means to 
>> perform this flush and signal from that differed work, is that so 
>> @Christian ?
> Well more or less. Ideally you put the TLB flush in a work item (or 
> use the SDMA for the hw bug workaround on Navi 1x).
> The point is that you shouldn't have it in the same execution thread 
> as the VM page table updates, because any memory allocation or 
> grabbing a lock could potentially depend on the TLB flush as soon as 
> you have published the dma_fence (by adding it to the VM page table 
> BOs for example).
Would it work for everyone if we add this generic API (say 
amdgpu_flush_tlb_async()) to add a TLB flush work and will also send 
this dma_fence_signal from within ? KFD can simply consume it from 
wherever they want, do you see a race condition if we do like this ?

- Shashank

> Christian.
>> - Shashank
>>> Regards,
>>>   Felix
>>>> What we can to is to put the TLB flushing into an irq worker or 
>>>> work item and let the signaling happen from there.
>>>> Amar and Shashank are already working on this, I strongly suggest 
>>>> to sync up with them.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Christian.
>>>>> +    dma_fence_put(vm->pt_fence);
>>>>> +    vm->pt_fence = amdgpu_pt_fence_create();
>>>>>   }
>>>>>     struct kfd_process_device 
>>>>> *kfd_process_device_data_by_id(struct kfd_process *p, uint32_t 
>>>>> gpu_id)

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