Problem: Lenovo T14 Gen2 with external monitor - no luks prompt

Stefan K Shadow_7 at
Mon May 8 09:47:26 UTC 2023


I hope this is the right place to get help.
I using Debian Bookworm/12 and with Kernel 6.1 I'd some issues with external displays:

With Kernel 6.3 it's much better and it works, more or less. But when I boot and I need to type my password to encrypt my disk the external displays are in sleep mode, I can type it blind and after 'ENTER' I got my KDE-login screen, since it is in a very early boot-state I don't know how to get useful logs or something like that.

How can I help you to help me to fix this (bug)? Most information you can get from the Debian-Bug above.

Thanks in advanced!

best regards

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