Have WX 3200 Radeon graphics card -- cannot get X11 session to work

William Bulley web at umich.edu
Mon Jan 29 19:00:16 UTC 2024

According to "Deucher, Alexander" <Alexander.Deucher at amd.com> on Mon, 01/29/24 at 13:53:
> [Public]
> Glad to year you got it working!

Thanks!  Two additional things you might be able to point me to...

1) how do I unsubscribe to amd-gfx at lists.freedesktop.org
   (the control page doesn't think I'm a member so I can't unscbsrcibe)

2) see below for my "last" remaining problem:

I have new system H/W running FreeBSD 14.0-STABLE (from January 4th)
and I have x11/Xorg running successfully on an AMD Radeon WX 3200
graphics card.

The configuration for my keyboard on this new system is as follows:

  Section "InputClass"
        Identifier      "Keyboard0"
        MatchIsKeyboard "on"
        Driver          "libinput"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "Chicony PFU-65 USB Keyboard"

The keyboard works just fine, but the arrow keys do not work.

I have these ports installed:


On an older FreeBSD 13.2-STABLE system (with the same ports installed)
the same keyboard works just fine and the arrow keys respond as well.

The configuration for my keyboard on the older system is as follows:

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier              "KeyboardDefaults"
        MatchIsKeyboard         "on"
        Option                  "XkbModel"      "Chicony PFU-65 USB Keyboard"

Note the lack of any "Driver" keyword.  I assume it is using the "kbd" driver.

I can supply contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log files if necessary.

I would like my arrow keys to work on the new system.  Can anyone help me out?

Thank you in advance.

William Bulley
E-MAIL: web at umich.edu
<web at umich.edu>

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