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</head><body><p>Dear AMD Developers,</p><p>I am building your amd-staging-drm-next kernels for more than 2 years now and patch this up with the official kernel patches and ubuntu's sauce patches: <a href="https://github.com/M-Bab/linux-kernel-amdgpu-binaries">https://github.com/M-Bab/linux-kernel-amdgpu-binaries</a><br></p><p>One of the kernel users reports about hibernation problems since quite a while and he gives detailed feedback but I am not a hibernation user and had no time to bisect this. Could you please look into this issue and try to help: </p><p><a href="https://github.com/M-Bab/linux-kernel-amdgpu-binaries/issues/81">https://github.com/M-Bab/linux-kernel-amdgpu-binaries/issues/81</a><br></p><p>Thanks for your great work about open-source linux graphics and keep it up!<br></p><p>Many regards,<br>Martin (M-bab)</p></body></html>