[PATCH] tracedump: add --help and --function-histogram

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Sat Sep 10 17:44:22 PDT 2011

On Saturday, September 10, 2011 07:56:51 PM José Fonseca wrote:
> I don't understand the meaning of a "pass" here. Could you give
> concrete examples?

Basically the same as with llvm. More specifically: algorithms that operate on 
the internal model for a specific purpose.
> AFAICS, if a GL misuse analysis is sought, then the calls have to be
> replayed/analysed in order, from start to
> finish, because GL state can only be queried within the context of all
> previous calls replayed in sequence. That is, everything must be done
> in a single pass,  a single read of the trace file.

That would be example of a specific pass. Other examples would be histogram 
generation, a pass that uses something like lunarglass or another framework to 
see if it's possible to optimize the generated shaders, a pass that suggests 
replacement of older gl api calls with newer stuff, i.e. anti-deprecation pass, 
a pass that suggest optimizations by way of replacement of a set of calls with 
some new extension, etc. Stuff like that. Some of them requiring current api 
state, some of them not.

> Even if these configurable set of passes make sense, there is no need
> for the gui to invoke glretrace to inquire about stuff that is
> statically determinable at compile time. The GUI and glretrace are
> always built from the same tree, and no binary back-wards
> compatabtility between the gui/glretrace/etc is given, so having this
> list of passes shared between them in a header (or even just
> duplicated) is perfectly fine.

That's exactly what I was saying.


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