A modest start at a test suite for apitrace

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Mon Apr 9 15:43:55 PDT 2012

I'm (finally) picking up my old "apitrace trim" work to make it actually
interesting this time, (with some solid dependency analysis, etc.).

Before I can trust some of the changes I want to make, I really need an
automated test suite that can verify that I'm not breaking anything.

I've just pushed the beginnings of one to the master branch at
cworth.org:/git/apitrace (commit d24193487b79672c2988e81b07).

I think everything there is reasonable to be merged upstream now,
(except, perhaps, for the last commit which adds a failing test case for
the "apitrace trim" work that's not there yet).

Feel free to take a look at ti now, or wait until I've got some more
interesting trim work on top.

And if you've got any feedback or questions on the direction it's going,
I'd be glad to hear that.



PS. Here's the shortlog of the commits:

Carl Worth (10):
      cli: Add a simple implementation of "apitrace dump-images"
      snapdiff: Add filename column to HTML report
      os_posix: Fix return value for os::execute()
      snapdiff: Provide indication whether images match or not
      Don't show images where there is no difference.
      snapdiff: Remove debugging print statement.
      apitrace diff-images: Print one line for each file being compared.
      Add the very simple beginnings of a test suite.
      test: Add a simple test for "apitrace trim"
      test: Add a test for trimming to a single glxSwapBuffers call
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