Pull request: Dependency-based trim

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Fri Aug 17 09:23:49 PDT 2012

Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> writes:
> So far, my tests pass, but things don't yet quite work when trimming
> non-trivial traces generated from real-world programs. I think the bugs
> there are not major and I'll be working on those soon.

I've now fixed several bugs, added several features, and stress-tested
this with some non-trivial, real-world programs (trimming individual
frames for hundreds of frames from a few games).

I won't claim that the trim code is perfect yet, (that's an ideal that
we'll likely never reach, and will require long-term testing), but I do
think it's ready to be merged upstream, and for people to start using in

Anyone interested, please test this out and report any problems to
me. I'd love to see traces where trimming any single frame generates a
trace that draws the wrong thing.

Here are some of the highlights of new things since my last version:

  Better trimming:

    * Lots of fixes for inter-frame texture dependencies

    * Support for multi-texturing, (previously calls to glActiveTexture
      would confuse the texture tracking).

    * Conservative support to make shaders depend on textures,
      (previously there were bugs where trim would drop a texture, not
      realizing that a shader was sampling it).

    * Conservative support for display lists, (previously the trim code
      ignored display lists entirely and incorrectly resolved all calls
      immediately). In this version calls within display lists are never
      trimmed, (and textures bound within display lists are also
      retained). In a future version we can track display lists with the
      same resource-tracking framework used for textures to be able to
      trim unused display lists.

  User-interface improvements:

    * A new --frames option for trimming based on frame numbers rather
      than call numbers with --calls.

    * A new --print-callset option to find out what trim is actually
      doing, (and then the option of tweaking that by editing the result
      and passing it back with --exact --calls=<callset>).

    * Can now quite from "glretrace -w" with 'Q' or 'ESC'.

  More testing framework:

    * There's now a trim_stress directory in apitrace-tests where the
      user can just drop in a trace file and the test suite will trim
      out each individual frame and ensure the trimmed traces still draw
      the same results.

The code is on the master branches of my repositories:


I've also pushed a "trim-for-upstream" branch to each repository (which
is currently identical to master). This is just in case I start doing
something more experimental with master in the future, (though I don't
have any immediate plans to do so).

José, if you'd like me to post patches on the list in addition to saying
"go find them in my repository", I'll be happy to. The current series is
25 commits to apitrace and 23 commits to apitrace-tests.

From here, there is a bunch of optimization that can be done. We can
trim out a lot of things that we aren't trimming today, (display lists,
as mentioned above, lots of redundant state manipulations, buffer
objects, etc. etc.). It would be useful for me to know what the most
important things are to be trimmed out next. So, users, let me know what
you want.

I'm also thinking of doing some performance optimizations soon. A trim
operations should be relatively rare in the general use case, so it's
not extremely performance critical. But already in the stress testing in
the test suite it would be nice if it were much faster. And there's
definitely a lot of room for improvement here, (the use of
std::set<unsigned> for both state tracking and the final list of calls
is currently killing things).

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