failing to take a trace
José Fonseca
jose.r.fonseca at
Thu Jan 12 02:56:53 PST 2012
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:40 AM, kalyan reddy <kalyanreddy2005 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a new user to api trace. I have been trying to get a trace out of
> chromium(when using webgl) on meego. I have used the following command :
> apitrace trace "..<apppath>/chromium-browser" --user-gl=egl
> --ignore-gpu-blacklist
> http:://
> chromium is launched and I can see the fps and field page correctly. I close
> the browser and return to terminal. I cannot find any .trace file nor any
> errors are shown up. Any tips??
> reg,
> kalyan
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There are several things to keep in mind here:
- chrome does a lot of inter-process comunnication, so it is important
to ensure that the renderer process is forked from the right parent
and actually gets the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. There are some
chrome options that help (--temp-profile --user-data-dir
- when tracing EGL you need to run apitrace trace --api egl ....
This works for me when using GL:
$ ./apitrace trace --api gl chromium --temp-profile
apitrace: redirecting dlopen("", 0x1)
apitrace: tracing to /home/jfonseca/projects/apitrace/chromium.2.trace
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glBindFragDataLocationIndexedARB"
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glBlitFramebufferANGLE"
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES"
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE"
apitrace: redirecting dlopen("", 0x102)
[] Error initializing NSS
without a persistent database: cannot open shared
object file: Permission denied
apitrace: redirecting dlopen("", 0x1)
apitrace: tracing to /home/jfonseca/projects/apitrace/chromium.3.trace
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glBindFragDataLocationIndexedARB"
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glBlitFramebufferANGLE"
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES"
apitrace: warning: unknown function "glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE"
apitrace: redirecting dlopen("", 0x102)
And this *should* work for EGL:
$ ./apitrace trace --api egl chromium --temp-profile --user-gl=egl
But by some reason chrome on my system refuses to use EGL, and always
uses GL, so it doesn't. But that's a chrome issue, and not apitrace's.
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