My bottleneck

José Fonseca jose.r.fonseca at
Tue Jul 31 16:49:41 PDT 2012

Lately I've been totally swamped with non-apitrace related development
and busy personal life too, and this will continue for a couple of

I understand my slowness in merging things is a bottleneck for
development, and source of frustration. Unfortunately I can't merge
things without proper review/testing as in addition to Linux I can't
afford to let MacOSX/Windows regress, which is a requirement rather
unique to us at VMware.

On the flip side, I believe there are other active groups on different
platforms, in particular Android / GL ES, which I confess, am still
struggling to setup a proper test/devel environment.

So, if the interested parties (in particular Intel) wants to maintain
a faster-paced branch of Apitrace aimed at Android, and also a staging
ground for new features, that's something that I'd wholeheartedly

I rather see one major fork for Android, than hundreds of tiny forks
scattered around fdo/github/world-wide-web/private-harddrives.

Of course, some discipline is advisable to all parties, so that we can
port features between these.  Just let me know your patience with me
runs out, and we can workout details.


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