[PATCH] Implement support for GPU timings of calls when proofiling with glretrace.

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Tue Jul 31 16:56:35 PDT 2012

José Fonseca <jose.r.fonseca at gmail.com> writes:
> Your patch indeed addresses most of the issues I had with the original
> timer query patches.

That's good.

>   https://github.com/exjam/apitrace
> It's unfortunate this effort duplication.  At a glance, I think his
> effort is a bit ahead:

Ah, thanks for sharing. I'll look through both implementations and let
you know my thoughts.

> - keeps track of bound shader (and there's a script that can aggregate
> gpu times per shader, whic means one can see the shader that takes
> most gpu total)

Awesome! That saves me work as that's the piece I was working on now.

> He's now writing a GUI visualization of the profile data.

And that will be fantastic.

I'll get back to brushing the dust off of my smarter trimming code.

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