New patches to rename "retrace" to "replay"

Carl Worth cworth at
Wed Feb 27 21:26:59 PST 2013

José Fonseca <jose.r.fonseca at> writes:
> Merged. Thanks.

Perfect. Thanks so much.

> BTW, I saw the recording of your 2013 presentation. Very
> nice! I've added a link to from the front page too.

Oh, I'm glad you liked that.

I couldn't watch the video myself. I'm just too self-conscious to see
myself, I think. The cold stealing my voice was not ideal, of
course. Then a couple of things went wrong with my slides and demos, (a
misfeature of the presentation tool I was using kept jumping to a random
slide in the deck, and the dual-output mode confused things enough that
some demos totally failed---I still haven't replicated the problem that
made the QT menus not appear at all on my primary display).

So, anyway, things could have gone a bit smoother. Better next time, I

All told, it's good to get the word out about apitrace.


carl.d.worth at
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