[PATCH] Android: glretracer for Android.
Chad Versace
chad.versace at linux.intel.com
Mon Jul 1 13:33:50 PDT 2013
Waffle is intended to built in the Android source tree along with the
rest of the system. It's not possible to do otherwise since it
depends on APIs, internal to the Android system and not shipped by the NDK,
for communicating with the compositor.
To build Waffle, clone the source to $ANDROID_TOP/external/waffle and
call `mmm external/waffle`.
Unlike Waffle, APITrace is intended to be built outside the Android source
tree because it relies only on NDK APIs. APITrace has some good docs on how
to do that; just to search INSTALL.markdown for Android. Using APITrace on
Android is tricky, but not too tricky; read Dalvik.markdown for instructions.
I don't recommend trying to use APITrace on Android < 4.0.
As for the most important part, how to use Juha's glretracer on Android, I
don't how to do that. You're on your own when solving that until Juha returns
from vacation.
On 07/01/2013 12:27 PM, Nigel Stewart wrote:
> Hi,
> Any tips for building Waffle and/or apitrace for Android via the
> Android.mk or cmake?
> I don't think I'm savvy enough with either of these build systems to
> troubleshoot my way to a working binary.
> - Nigel
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Chad Versace
> <chad.versace at linux.intel.com> wrote:
>> On 06/27/2013 04:17 AM, Juha-Pekka Heikkila wrote:
>>> I limited glws_waffle.cpp strictly to Android only but it probably would
>>> start to work quite easily also on desktop. Before Waffle port of
>>> glretrace
>>> for desktop could work Waffle need waffle_window_resize API call to be
>>> implemented for other plarforms than Android.
>>> To build for Android Waffle need to be build first.
>>> Waffle can be obtained from:
>>> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~chadversary/waffle/
>>> Make sure these patches are in place for Waffle before compiling
>>> (at time of writing they are still stuck on the list)
>>> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/waffle/2013-June/000167.html
>>> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/waffle/2013-June/000168.html
>> These two patches are now committed to Waffle master branch. There's
>> no longer a need to apply them by hand.
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