[PATCH] Android: Port eglretracer for Android
Juha-Pekka Heikkila
juha-pekka.heikkila at linux.intel.com
Mon Jul 29 04:26:58 PDT 2013
Port eglretracer for Android using Waffle library. To build for
Android the Android source tree is needed for Waffle. Waffle
need to be build first, Waffle can be obtained from:
If Android source tree is not available/only NDK is present
egltrace.so and related will only be build, eglretracer will
be skipped.
Known issues:
eglretracer seem to launch multiple windows with some traces from
Android. These multiple windows sometimes segfault on Android,
need to look into this yet. I remember SurfaceFlinger wasn't
maybe too happy with such behaviour.
Signed-off-by: Juha-Pekka Heikkila <juha-pekka.heikkila at linux.intel.com>
cmake/FindWaffle.cmake | 38 ++++++++
retrace/CMakeLists.txt | 26 ++++++
retrace/glws_waffle.cpp | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 293 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 cmake/FindWaffle.cmake
create mode 100644 retrace/glws_waffle.cpp
diff --git a/cmake/FindWaffle.cmake b/cmake/FindWaffle.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f6a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/FindWaffle.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# - try to find Waffle include dirs and library
+ set (Android_root_path "$ENV{OUT}")
+ if (Android_root_path)
+ set (Waffle_INC_SEARCH_PATH "$ENV{OUT}/obj/include/waffle-1"
+ "$ENV{OUT}/obj/lib"
+ "$ENV{ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/external/waffle"
+ )
+ set (Waffle_LIB_SEARCH_PATH "$ENV{OUT}/obj/lib")
+ endif ()
+ find_path (Waffle_INCLUDE_DIR waffle.h
+ DOC "The directory where waffle.h resides"
+ )
+ find_library (Waffle_LIBRARY waffle-1
+ DOC "The directory where libwaffle-1 resides"
+ )
+ if (Waffle_INCLUDE_DIR AND Waffle_LIBRARY)
+ set (Waffle_FOUND 1)
+ endif (Waffle_INCLUDE_DIR AND Waffle_LIBRARY)
+ mark_as_advanced (
+ Waffle_LIBRARY
+ )
+endif ()
+mark_as_advanced (
+ Waffle_FOUND
diff --git a/retrace/CMakeLists.txt b/retrace/CMakeLists.txt
index 913c23e..8217f68 100644
--- a/retrace/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/retrace/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ add_library (retrace_common STATIC
+# if waffle is found eglretracer will be build for Android.
+ find_package (Waffle)
+endif ()
target_link_libraries (retrace_common
@@ -138,6 +145,25 @@ if (ENABLE_EGL AND X11_FOUND AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE)
install (TARGETS eglretrace RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
endif ()
+ add_executable (eglretrace
+ glws_waffle.cpp
+ )
+ add_dependencies (eglretrace glproc)
+ include_directories (${Waffle_INCLUDE_DIR})
+ target_link_libraries (eglretrace
+ retrace_common
+ glretrace_common
+ glproc_egl
+ dl
+ ${Waffle_LIBRARY}
+ )
+ target_link_libraries (eglretrace ${proc_LIBRARY})
+ install (TARGETS eglretrace RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
+endif ()
if (WIN32)
if (DirectX_D3D8_INCLUDE_DIR)
include_directories (BEFORE SYSTEM ${DirectX_D3D8_INCLUDE_DIR})
diff --git a/retrace/glws_waffle.cpp b/retrace/glws_waffle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1981dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/retrace/glws_waffle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#include "os.hpp"
+#include "waffle.h"
+#include "glws.hpp"
+namespace glws {
+struct waffle_display *dpy;
+class WaffleVisual : public Visual
+ struct waffle_config *config;
+ WaffleVisual(waffle_config *cfg) :
+ config (cfg)
+ {}
+ ~WaffleVisual() {
+ if (this->config != NULL)
+ {
+ waffle_config_destroy(this->config);
+ this->config = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+class WaffleDrawable : public Drawable
+ struct waffle_window *window;
+ WaffleDrawable(const Visual *vis, int w, int h, bool pbuffer,
+ struct waffle_window *win) :
+ Drawable (vis, w, h, pbuffer),
+ window (win)
+ {}
+ void
+ resize(int w, int h) {
+ if (w == width && h == height) {
+ return;
+ }
+ waffle_window_resize(window, w, h);
+ Drawable::resize(w, h);
+ }
+ void
+ show(void) {
+ if (visible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ waffle_window_show(window);
+ Drawable::show();
+ }
+ void
+ swapBuffers(void) {
+ waffle_window_swap_buffers(window);
+ }
+class WaffleContext : public Context
+ struct waffle_context *context;
+ WaffleContext(const Visual *vis, Profile prof,
+ struct waffle_context *ctx) :
+ Context(vis, prof),
+ context(ctx)
+ {}
+ ~WaffleContext() {
+ if( context != NULL ) {
+ waffle_context_destroy(context);
+ context = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ With waffle there is not too many events to look for..
+ */
+processEvents(void) {
+ return true;
+init(void) {
+ int i;
+ int waffle_init_attrib_list[3];
+ i = 0;
+ waffle_init_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_PLATFORM;
+ waffle_init_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_PLATFORM_ANDROID;
+ waffle_init_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_NONE;
+ waffle_init(waffle_init_attrib_list);
+ dpy = waffle_display_connect(NULL);
+ if (!dpy) {
+ os::log("No display!!\n");
+ assert(0);
+ }
+cleanup(void) {
+ waffle_display_disconnect(dpy);
+Visual *
+createVisual(bool doubleBuffer, Profile profile) {
+ struct waffle_config *cfg;
+ int config_attrib_list[64], i(0);
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_CONTEXT_API;
+ switch (profile) {
+ case PROFILE_ES1:
+ if(!waffle_display_supports_context_api(dpy,
+ os::log("%s: !waffle_display_supports_context_api\n",
+ __FILE__);
+ assert(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ES1;
+ break;
+ case PROFILE_ES2:
+ if(!waffle_display_supports_context_api(dpy,
+ os::log("%s: !waffle_display_supports_context_api\n",
+ __FILE__);
+ assert(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ES2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ os::log("%s: Unsupported context profile\n", __FILE__);
+ assert(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_RED_SIZE;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = 8;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_GREEN_SIZE;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = 8;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_BLUE_SIZE;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = 8;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_DEPTH_SIZE;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = 8;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_ALPHA_SIZE;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = 8;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_STENCIL_SIZE;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = 8;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = WAFFLE_DOUBLE_BUFFERED;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = doubleBuffer;
+ config_attrib_list[i++] = 0;
+ cfg = waffle_config_choose(dpy, config_attrib_list);
+ if (!cfg)
+ {
+ os::log("Error in %s waffle_config_choose(dpy, " \
+ "config_attrib_list)\n", __FILE__);
+ assert(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return new WaffleVisual(cfg);
+Drawable *
+createDrawable(const Visual *visual, int width, int height, bool pbuffer)
+ struct waffle_window *window;
+ const WaffleVisual *waffleVisual =
+ static_cast<const WaffleVisual *>(visual);
+ window = waffle_window_create(waffleVisual->config, width, height);
+ return new WaffleDrawable(visual, width, height, pbuffer, window);
+Context *
+createContext(const Visual *visual, Context *shareContext, Profile profile,
+ bool debug)
+ struct waffle_context *context;
+ const WaffleVisual *waffleVisual =
+ static_cast<const WaffleVisual *>(visual);
+ context = waffle_context_create(waffleVisual->config, NULL);
+ if (!context) {
+ os::log("Error in %s waffle_context_create(config, NULL)\n",
+ __FILE__);
+ assert(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return new WaffleContext(visual, profile, context);
+makeCurrent(Drawable *drawable, Context *context)
+ if (!drawable || !context) {
+ return waffle_make_current(dpy, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ WaffleDrawable *waffleDrawable =
+ static_cast<WaffleDrawable *>(drawable);
+ WaffleContext *waffleContext =
+ static_cast<WaffleContext *>(context);
+ return waffle_make_current(dpy, waffleDrawable->window,
+ waffleContext->context);
+ }
+} /* namespace glws */
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