tracing on demand
Mark Janes
mark.a.janes at
Mon Oct 14 15:42:08 PDT 2013
Hi Peter,
I am also interested in this capability.
Mark Janes
On 10/14/2013 3:13 PM, Jordan Justen wrote:
> Peter,
> Hi. I was wondering if your start-stop-trace3 branch had your latest
> efforts on this feature?
> I was also what your future plans are on this branch. Is it still
> something you plan to push forward for inclusion in upstream apitrace?
> Thanks,
> -Jordan
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Peter Lohrmann
> <peterl at> wrote:
>> I've spent the past week getting up to speed on apitrace, mostly looking
>> into the trace implementation and getting it to trace API calls for a single
>> frame, specified by frame number on the CLI. On its own I don't think this
>> is particularly interesting (and the same result can already be obtained by
>> a full trace & trim to single frame), but there were some bugs in the code
>> generation that I had to fix if tracing is not enabled (look at
>> wglGetProcAddress not exposing the GREMEDY entrypoints and glGetStringi not
>> callling glGetStringi_override(), as two examples).
>> I'm now planning to implement the tracing on demand, which I saw requested
>> here: My ultimate goal is to
>> allow for a keypress to snapshot the state at the start of the next frame,
>> and then record that frame's API calls. Initially this is just to capture a
>> single frame which can then be replayed, but that can easily be extended to
>> multiple frames in the future. I have implemented similar functionality in
>> the past, so it won't be a difficult feat, but will take time. I don't plan
>> to track state throughout the applications execution, which you have
>> suggested would be a hard task (and I agree), but instead to take a thorough
>> snapshot of all state and buffers and then generate API calls to reproduce
>> that state.
>> As part of this implementation, distinguishing between real calls and fake
>> ones to replay correctly ( )
>> can be resolved by wrapping the fake calls in a documented string marker. I
>> don't know how many of those calls exist currently, but there will
>> definitely be some to replicate the state snapshot at the start of a
>> single-frame trace.
>> Let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns based on the above,
>> Peter
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