using apitrace

Asloob Qureshi asloobq at
Fri Jul 25 16:37:38 PDT 2014

What about gl instead of egl ?
apitrace trace --api gl "executable path"
Does that work ?

From: apitrace [mailto:apitrace-bounces at] On Behalf Of Erdenay Alpay
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 6:26 AM
To: apitrace at
Subject: using apitrace

Hi all,

I am trying to use apitrace program to debug OpenGL ES application that runs on Windows computer. I downloaded latest binaries from "<>"  to run apitrace with the the following commands:

apitrace trace --api egl "executable path"

and I get this:

error: unsupported API

I use egl for --api because OpenGL ES is used in the program. I also checked from the source code, and egl seems to be the correct parameter. I do not what to pass.

Do you have suggestions?



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