ApiTrace Android and OpenGL ES Support

Juha-Pekka Heikkilä juha-pekka.heikkila at linux.intel.com
Mon Jun 23 00:39:10 PDT 2014

On Thu, June 19, 2014 10:09 pm, Kaifei Chen wrote:
> Hi,
>     I have two questions:
>     1. Can I do OpenGL ES replay in Android? If so, how?
>     2. Is there any particular reason why ApiTrace doesn't support OpenGL
> ES profile? Is it because of technical difficulties from OpenGL ES?
>     Thank you very much!
> Best,
> Kaifei

Hi Kaifei,

Did you notice eglretracer part of Apitrace? I think it is what you are
looking for. To get traces replayed on Android you also need Chad's Waffle
library into your Android device. Waffle you can find here:


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