Some textures are not rendering correctly in apitrace

Benjamin Bellec b.bellec at
Mon Nov 10 12:33:27 PST 2014

I have tested with nouveau (on a GeForce GT210 (NVA8)) and everything is
fine with it. No glitches while retracing.
Here is an example trace if you want to compare :
(149 MB)
md5sum 0988b7a222a923520180783e28be267a

2014-11-09 23:55 GMT+01:00 Benjamin Bellec <b.bellec at>:

> I tried to follow the procedure in the link you pointed, but I couldn't
> make it works. So I just disabled the Steam Overlay as said, and continued
> to catch the trace with my modified "Sam3" file, which should works after
> all.
> Just disabling the overlay doesn't solve the glitches.
> So I tested your 3 patches, unfortunately none of them has improved the
> situation : as usual, sometimes there is no glitches at all but most of
> times glitches appears while retracing.
> If you need them, here are some of the traces :
> - trace with zlib patch, the glitches are a bit different than usual :
> (174 MB) md5sum 1b109d36e7760968ad8ce04bc4d22fe9
> - trace with glfinish patch :
> (158 MB) md5sum 8d4b9a7de7f1ce4fe02385259a952b25
> - again a trace with glfinish patch, glitches are different from the first
> one :
> (155 MB) md5sum 7bda946ce1cd21f8138e0724b7502219
> Tomorrow, I will test with a GeForce GT210 (nouveau).
> 2014-11-07 13:53 GMT+01:00 Benjamin Bellec <b.bellec at>:
>> OK, I will redo my trace with this new procedure. It seems cleaner and
>> safer than mine.
>> But I will not be able to do this weekend.
>> 2014-11-07 9:57 GMT+01:00 José Fonseca <jose.r.fonseca at>:
>>> Hi Benjamin,
>>> > ERROR: object
>>> '/home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from
>>> LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>> It might be a good idea to disable Steam's game overlay, just to be sure
>>> it's not interfering with apitrace, as described in
>>> , the "
>>> Otherwise, I think what you're doing should be fine.
>>> > apitrace: warning: _gl_param_size: unknown GLenum 0x87FC
>>> For these warnings I'll push a fix to apitrace shortly, but they are
>>> harmless -- it won't affect the trace at all.
>>> Jose
>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Benjamin Bellec <b.bellec at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi José,
>>>> I have done quite intense testing of this evening, but I finally saw
>>>> something quite odd. So before sharing anything I need to be sure that I'm
>>>> not capturing the trace wrongly.
>>>> First of all, Serious Sam 3 is a Steam game. It's a 32-bit game. I'm on
>>>> a 64-bit machine.
>>>> Here is how I build apitrace :
>>>> $ git clone
>>>> $ cd apitrace
>>>> $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DENABLE_GUI=TRUE
>>>> $ make -C build
>>>> $ cmake \
>>>>         -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 \
>>>>         -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 \
>>>>         -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-m32 \
>>>>         -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib \
>>>>         -DENABLE_GUI=FALSE \
>>>>         -H. -Bbuild32
>>>> $ make -C build32 glxtrace
>>>> So I should now have a working apitrace in /home/benjamin/apitrace
>>>> I launch steam :
>>>> $ steam
>>>> Running Steam on fedora 19 64-bit
>>>> STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> (steam:2986): Gtk-WARNING **: Impossible de trouver le moteur de thème
>>>> dans module_path : « adwaita »
>>>> (steam:2986): Gtk-WARNING **: Impossible de trouver le moteur de thème
>>>> dans module_path : « adwaita »
>>>> /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:1137: error: unexpected
>>>> identifier `direction', expected character `}'
>>>> Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
>>>> (steamwebhelper:2990): Gtk-WARNING **: Impossible de trouver le moteur
>>>> de thème dans module_path : « adwaita »
>>>> (steamwebhelper:2990): Gtk-WARNING **: Impossible de trouver le moteur
>>>> de thème dans module_path : « adwaita »
>>>> /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:1137: error: unexpected
>>>> identifier `direction', expected character `}'
>>>> Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20141020140456)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1413813896)
>>>> [1106/] Failed to load NSS libraries.
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20141020140456)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1413813896)
>>>> Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line
>>>> 70: non-double matrix element
>>>> Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line
>>>> 70: non-double matrix element
>>>> Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf",
>>>> line 78: saw unknown, expected number
>>>> Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/65-0-lohit-bengali.conf", line
>>>> 32: unknown element "langset"
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Generating new string page texture 2: 48x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 49,15 KB
>>>> Generating new string page texture 3: 256x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 311,30 KB
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Adding licenses for the following package(s): 0, 11, 34, 79, 516, 984,
>>>> 2481, 12328, 14840, 16549, 17838, 20883, 21089, 25544, 27644, 29136, 31974,
>>>> 31975, 49307, 53394, 53820
>>>> roaming config store loaded successfully - 1484 bytes.
>>>> migrating temporary roaming config store
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> ExecCommandLine: ""/home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam"
>>>> "
>>>> System startup time: 3,47 seconds
>>>> [1106/] Running without renderer
>>>> sandbox
>>>> Generating new string page texture 70: 1024x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 1,36 MB
>>>> Generating new string page texture 71: 256x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 262,14 KB
>>>> Generating new string page texture 72: 128x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 1,49 MB
>>>> Running Steam on fedora 19 64-bit
>>>> STEAM_RUNTIME has been set by the user to:
>>>> /home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime
>>>> Generating new string page texture 73: 32x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 1,52 MB
>>>> ExecCommandLine: "/home/benjamin/.steam/root/ubuntu12_32/steam
>>>> steam://open/driverhelperready"
>>>> ExecSteamURL: "steam://open/driverhelperready"
>>>> Generating new string page texture 78: 64x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 1,59 MB
>>>> Generating new string page texture 79: 256x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 1,85 MB
>>>> Generating new string page texture 80: 128x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 1,98 MB
>>>> Generating new string page texture 81: 384x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 2,38 MB
>>>> Installing breakpad exception handler for
>>>> appid(steam)/version(1413917607)
>>>> Generating new string page texture 91: 512x256, total string texture
>>>> memory is 2,90 MB
>>>> And in order to catch a trace of the game, I have modified the SS3
>>>> executable. The executable is located in
>>>> "/home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin" and
>>>> is named "Sam3"
>>>> $ file "/home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam
>>>> 3/Bin/Sam3" gives :
>>>> ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically
>>>> linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15,
>>>> BuildID[sha1]=0xaedfd266c84ecec32e8ff6e69f3f1eb8a5f78d46, stripped
>>>> So I moved the genuine exec :
>>>> $ mv Sam3 Sam3.old
>>>> And created a new "Sam3" shell script which is just :
>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>> TRACE_FILE=/home/benjamin/testmesa/ss3_tmp.trace
>>>> LD_PRELOAD=/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/
>>>> /home/benjamin/apitrace/build/apitrace trace --api gl ./Sam3.old
>>>> So now I just launch SS3 within Steam and here is the log (that I
>>>> didn't saw before) :
>>>> Game update: AppID 41070 "Serious Sam 3: BFE", ProcID 3108, IP
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from
>>>> LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from
>>>> LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot
>>>> be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into
>>>> /home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam
>>>> 3/Bin/Sam3.old
>>>> (steam:2986): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child
>>>> that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
>>>>           [snip] same message several times [/snip]
>>>> (steam:2986): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child
>>>> that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/bash
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/getopt
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/basename
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/sed
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/sed
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/sed
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/sed
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/sed
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/tr
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/bash
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/cat
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/cat
>>>> cat: /etc/debian_version: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/bash
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/grep
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> apitrace: loaded into /usr/bin/cat
>>>> Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 41070
>>>> Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197975475067 [API
>>>> loaded no]
>>>> WRN:  CPU Power saving is enabled and performance governor is not used.
>>>> INF:  GameEnv API: Steam
>>>> INF:  Encoded user ID = 28d03bc7:6f628ecf
>>>> apitrace: redirecting dlopen("", 0x101)
>>>> apitrace: tracing to /home/benjamin/testmesa/ss3_tmp.trace
>>>> apitrace: redirecting dlopen("", 0x102)
>>>> INF:
>>>> INF:  * Desktop settings...
>>>> INF:  Color depth: 32-bit
>>>> INF:  Desktop resolution: 1680 x 1050
>>>> INF:  Fullscreen on primary display
>>>> apitrace: redirecting dlopen("", 0x101)
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> lspci:
>>>> /home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
>>>> version `LIBPCI_3.2' not found (required by lspci)
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> lspci:
>>>> /home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
>>>> version `LIBPCI_3.2' not found (required by lspci)
>>>> ERROR: object
>>>> '/home/benjamin/apitrace/build32/wrappers/' from LD_PRELOAD
>>>> cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>>> lspci:
>>>> /home/benjamin/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
>>>> version `LIBPCI_3.2' not found (required by lspci)
>>>> WRN:  lspci: GPU vendor and/or device ID not detected!
>>>> apitrace: warning: _gl_param_size: unknown GLenum 0x87FC
>>>> apitrace: warning: _gl_param_size: unknown GLenum 0x87FC
>>>> WRN:  [OpenGL] Unable to determine VRAM size... assuming 512 MB.
>>>> apitrace: warning: _gl_param_size: unknown GLenum 0x87FC
>>>> apitrace: warning: _gl_param_size: unknown GLenum 0x87FC
>>>> WRN:  [OpenGL] "GL_ARB_get_program_binary" extension is present but not
>>>> used because no binary formats are exposed.
>>>> INF:
>>>> INF:  Gfx API: OpenGL
>>>> INF:  Resolution: 1680 x 1050
>>>> INF:  Vendor: unknown (0x0000)
>>>> INF:  Driver: X.Org (0x0000)
>>>> INF:  Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on AMD CYPRESS
>>>> INF:  Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2
>>>> INF:  Video memory size: 512 MB
>>>> INF:  Available for textures: 512 MB
>>>> INF:  Active GPU(s): 1
>>>> INF:  Unable to check for correct version of display driver!
>>>> INF:
>>>> INF:  Sfx API: OpenAL
>>>> INF:  Device: PulseAudio Default
>>>> INF:  Mixer frequency: 44100 Hz
>>>> INF:  Mixer voices: 64
>>>> INF:  Max sound sources: 15
>>>> INF:  Max total volume: 3
>>>> INF:  Speaker config: (unknown)
>>>> INF:  Environment FX: not supported
>>>> INF:
>>>> INF:  Using cheats will invalidate your score for this level and
>>>> achievements won't be awarded for the remainder of the game.
>>>> INF:  AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
>>>> INF:  Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld'
>>>> in 0.54 seconds.
>>>> INF:  Started simulation on
>>>> 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.26 seconds.
>>>> INF:  Started simulation on
>>>> 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Z5_Other/SV_Canyon.wld' in 5.47 seconds.
>>>> I suspect something is wrong in the manner I'm capturing the trace.
>>>> 2014-11-05 23:19 GMT+01:00 José Fonseca <jose.r.fonseca at>:
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Benjamin Bellec <b.bellec at>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes I confirm that the weapons are *always* correctly rendered while
>>>>>> tracing. The corruption only appears in the apitrace.
>>>>> Wow. This is one of the weirdest things i've seen.
>>>>>> Anyway thanks for this explanation.
>>>>>> So, do you think a hardware (physical) problem can be the origin of
>>>>>> this ?
>>>>>> Or more probably a software one ?
>>>>> Please do two more experiments:
>>>>> 1. Undo any previous changes to apitrace tree, apply the attached
>>>>> patch zlib.patch and see if it helps.
>>>>>    This will force apitrace to compress with zlib instead of snappy,
>>>>> so eliminate the chance that the bug is not on glMapBufferRange but inside
>>>>> snappy somehow.
>>>>> 2. Ditto with pin-thread-on-cpu.patch.
>>>>>   If this is a problem due to stale CPU cache this might help.
>>>>> 3. Ditto with glfinish.patch
>>>>>    If GPU is the one scribbling over then this call should make the
>>>>> issue either never happen or happen all the time.
>>>>> 4. try tracing the replay of the good ss3_correct_without_patch.trace
>>>>> like
>>>>>   ./apitrace trace ./glretrace -b ss3_correct_without_patch.trace
>>>>> a few times, and check whether the replays are as good as
>>>>> ss3_correct_without_patch.trace, or if they regress some times, like the
>>>>> real app does.  This might help determine whether the ss3 application is
>>>>> doing something special, or not.
>>>>> Because I was surprised, indeed, I have another problematic bug that
>>>>>> occurs, aparently with glMapBufferRange() too, see BUGZILLA #77596
>>>>>> <>particularly my
>>>>>> #7 comments. Maybe this is just coincidence. I'm not an OpenGL developper
>>>>>> so I don't know where the glMapBufferRange's "lenght" parameter come from ?
>>>>>> (from the game or from the OpenGL driver itself).
>>>>> It's hard to say whether it's related. glMapBufferRange's length
>>>>> parameter is specified by the app, but the app could be computing that
>>>>> value based on glGet* queries done to the OpenGL driver, and some times
>>>>> there are bugs.
>>>>>> To sum up, what do you think I should do now ? Fill a bug against the
>>>>>> OpenGL driver ?
>>>>> Let's see if the above experiments help narrow this further.
>>>>> I really hate when apitrace is not able to capture something properly
>>>>> -- it's like most basic of basic functionality -- everything else (replay,
>>>>> UI, state dumping) can be fixed improved after the fact, but if the trace
>>>>> itself can't be trusted then that's showstopper.  So fingers crossed..
>>>>> Jose
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