Does apitrace support gles3/3.1 ?

José Fonseca jose.r.fonseca at
Mon Oct 20 02:54:17 PDT 2014

> Is replaying android trace on windows using glretrace.exe  a workable way?

If the host OpenGL driver supports WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile
and/or GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility extensions it might work. Otherwise it will
most likely not work, as apitrace does not attempt to do any emulation of
OpenGL ES.

Either way it probably hasn't been thoroughly tested.


On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 4:32 AM, 张辉 Jack Zhang <zhvirus at> wrote:

>  Thanks for the reply,
> Just one more question:
> Is replaying android trace on windows using glretrace.exe  a workable way?
> I see some trace are ok while some aren't.
> Or is using android native repkayer is the only correct way to replay
> android teace?
> Jack
> 在 2014年10月17日 下午10:06,José Fonseca <jose.r.fonseca at>写道:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:33 AM, 张辉 Jack Zhang <zhvirus at>
> wrote:
>  Thanks for the reply, just
> 2 more questions:
>  Why does it not support es 3/3.1? Any plan to support it?
>  Just because nobody did the work.  Most of my work focuses on desktop
> OpenGL and Direct3D.  I don't have GLES3 samples / implementations off-hand
> so I can test it, so no plan to doit myself.
>  I took a quick look and I don't think it would be a lot of work. Most of
> the GL entry points are there due to the overlap with desktop GL.  So it's
> mostly a matter of updating the wrapper and eglretrace
> components to understand and recreate GLES 3.x contexts.
>  It shouldn't take more than 1-2 of days, even for somebody not familiar
> with Apitrace code.
>  Does windows apitrace  support OpenGL 4.3, 4.4,4.5? I mean the highest
> version it supports?
>  Yes, all entry-points for OpenGL 4.5 are there.
>  However persistent buffer mappings are not supported yet.  Apitrace will
> warn about that.
>  I have plans to tackle that, but it is a tough nut to crack.
>  Sorry I can't find these information on wiki, it would be really great
> if you can let me know.
>  No prob.  Yeah, we should have this info somewhere.  I've updated
> to have it.
>  Jose
>  Thank you very much.
> Jack
> 在 2014年10月16日,19:52,José Fonseca <jose.r.fonseca at> 写道:
>    No, it doesn't.
>  Jose
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:16 AM, 张辉 Jack Zhang <zhvirus at>
> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I only see there is some gles2 codes there.
> So, I was wondering if apitrace support ogengl es 3 or 3.1 on android and
> linux ?
> Thanks!
> ---
> Jack Zhang
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