Apitrace Google Summer of Code

Martin Peres martin.peres at free.fr
Sat Mar 7 12:07:54 PST 2015

On 07/03/15 14:52, John Hunter wrote:
> Hi Martin, All

Hi John,

> I am a student from Peking university, I am new bird and want to 
> participate in the Google Summer of Code.
> On the SummerOfCodeIdeas, I saw the Apitrace Idea. To be honest, I've 
> never used of that and know nothing about it, but I want help and  I 
> will learn.
> Here is some of my skills:
>     I have read part of the Xserver codebase.

Interesting, why did you have to do that?

>     I learned OpenGL by myself (just a little).

OpenGL 3+ or the older OpenGL with the fixed pipeline?

>     I have write some GTK program (which i think similar to the Qt5).

Qt5 really is different from GTK, especially QML. I would really advice 
you to start looking at it as soon as possible to decide if that is 
really what you want to do over the summer.

>     I know some of the drm & dri

What do you mean by this? Do you mean you know the different components 
of DRI? It should not be of any value here but it is great for your 
personal knowledge.

> Please feel free to contact me, hope you can help me to learn how to 
> contribute to this community.+3

Great! Not sure how I can help you to learn how to contribute. The usual 
way is to just fetch the code, compile it, use the tool, find ways of 
improving it. Then, you should propose some changes (as in, write a 
patch series) and propose it for inclusion.

Have you ever contributed to any open source project? Can you show us 
some patches you wrote? In any case, we will need you to write a patch 
for apitrace before we can actually consider you as a potential 
applicant. Feel free to ask questions if you need help :)


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