XDC 2017 : Call for paper

Martin Peres martin.peres at free.fr
Tue Jun 6 23:19:49 UTC 2017


I have the pleasure to announce that the X.org Developer Conference 2017
will be held in Mountain View, California from September 20th to
September 22nd. The venue is located at the Googleplex.

The official page for the event is http://www.x.org/wiki/Events/XDC2017
while the call for paper is at http://www.x.org/wiki/Other/Press/CFP2017/

As usual, we are open to talks across the layers of the graphics stack,
from the kernel to desktop environments / graphical applications and
about how to make things better for the developers who build them.
Given that the conference is located at Google, we would welcome topics
related to Android and Chromebooks. We would also like to hear about
Virtual Reality and end-to-end buffer format negociation. If you're not
sure if something might fit, mail me or add it to the ideas list found
in the program page.

The conference is free of charge and open to the general public. If
you plan on coming, please add yourself to the attendees list. We'll
use this list to make badges and plan for the catering, so if you are
attending please add your name as early as possible.

I am looking forward to seeing you there. If you have any
inquiries/questions, please send them to Stéphane Marchesin (please also
CC: board at foundation.x.org).

Martin Peres

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