Apitrace Android plays trace without crash and BLANK(Black) screen

José Fonseca jose.r.fonseca at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 14:19:31 UTC 2018

Sorry, but I'm afraid I'm not versed well enough in Android to be of help.
 It looks like retrace_eglSwapBuffers function is picking the wrong surface.


On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 9:47 PM HARDIK PATEL <hardik.patel at live.com> wrote:

> Hello Jose,
> Thank you very much for apitrace.I don't have much experience in graphics
> and  I recently started working on capture and replay of EGL
> android apitrace.
> I have ported latest changes and made apitrace compile, run and capture
> the traces on Android >5.0
> Currently, I am able to capture the traces in (Android 4.4, Andorid 6.0.1)
> and when I try to replay back, It plays trace without crash and
> BLANK(Black) screen and gives below logcat messages.
> I have some traces which I am able to play correctly.
> It would be a great help if you can give me a pointer to debug in apitrace.
> 08-27 14:57:07.224 25316 25316 I apitrace: apitrace start
> 08-27 14:57:07.224 25316 25316 D GLOC    : JNI_OnLoad apitrace start ...
> 737
> 08-27 14:57:07.224 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onActivityCreated 668
> 08-27 14:57:07.224  3939  4336 D WindowAnimator: Skip setting animation
> background if there is an exiting window only.
> 08-27 14:57:07.234 25316 25316 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =
> com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$DecorView{5cd7786 I.E......
> R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
> 08-27 14:57:07.234 25316 25331 D OpenGLRenderer: Use
> 08-27 14:57:07.234 25316 25316 D SecWifiDisplayUtil: Metadata value : none
> 08-27 14:57:07.239  3939  5234 D ISSUE_DEBUG: InputChannelName : a5c89d3
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/apitrace.github.io.eglretrace.RetraceActivity
> 08-27 14:57:07.244  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: id=157 createSurf
> (1440x2560),1 flag=4, SetraceActi
> 08-27 14:57:07.244  4665  4665 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility
> vis=9706 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8000 newVal=9706 diff=1706
> 08-27 14:57:07.244  3939  4336 D WindowAnimator: Skip setting animation
> background if there is an exiting window only.
> 08-27 14:57:07.244  3939  4179 D StatusBarManagerService:
> manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{a5c89d3 u0 d0
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/apitrace.github.io.eglretrace.RetraceActivity}
> 08-27 14:57:07.249  3939  8253 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window:
> 25316
> 08-27 14:57:07.249  3939  4336 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1
> pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:3939 uid:1000
> 08-27 14:57:07.249  3939  4336 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType
> is same.101
> 08-27 14:57:07.249  3939  4336 D PointerIcon: setHoveringSpenIconStyle1
> pointerType: 10001 iconType:1 flag:0 pid:3939 uid:1000
> 08-27 14:57:07.249  3939  4336 D PointerIcon: setHoveringSpenCustomIcon
> IconType is same.1
> 08-27 14:57:07.249  3939  8253 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire
> WakeLock flags=0x2000000a tag=WindowManager uid=1000 pid=3939
> 08-27 14:57:07.254 25316 25331 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xb3ac07c4
> 08-27 14:57:07.254 25316 25331 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version
> 1.4
> 08-27 14:57:07.259 25316 25331 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns
> 0x3000,  [1440x2560]-format:1
> 08-27 14:57:07.259  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: id=158 createSurf
> (1440x2560),4 flag=404, TurfaceView
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceCreated 676
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceChanged 685
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceRedrawNeeded 694
> 08-27 14:57:07.264  3939  6690 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{c3f8c09 u0 d0 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25346 D GLOC    : readParamsAndStartTrace 591
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25346 D apitrace: Wait for stderr socket
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25346 D apitrace: Start retrace
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25346 D GLOC    : setUp 867
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25346 D GLOC    : init 326
> 08-27 14:57:07.264 25316 25346 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xb29b90f4
> 08-27 14:57:07.269 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceRedrawNeeded 694
> 08-27 14:57:07.269  3939  4701 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{c3f8c09 u0 d0 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=READY_TO_SHOW
> 08-27 14:57:07.279 25316 25346 D GLOC    : mainLoop 619
> 08-27 14:57:07.284  3939  6689 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{a5c89d3 u0 d0
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/apitrace.github.io.eglretrace.RetraceActivity}:
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25316 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT:
> ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
> 08-27 14:57:07.284  3939  5234 D InputMethodManagerService:
> windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
> 08-27 14:57:07.284  3939  4336 I ActivityManager: Displayed
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/.RetraceActivity: +144ms
> 08-27 14:57:07.284  3939  4336 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25346 D GLOC    : trace start ....
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25346 D GLOC    : run 555
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25346 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25348 D GLOC    : retrace_eglChooseConfig 142
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25348 D GLOC    : createDrawable 124
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25348 D GLOC    : createDrawableHelper 90
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25348 D GLOC    : getVisual 61
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25348 D GLOC    : createVisual 366
> 08-27 14:57:07.284 25316 25348 D GLOC    : createVisual 387 >>>>>>>>>
> GLES2.0 initialize >>>>>>>>
> 08-27 14:57:07.289 25316 25348 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns
> 0x3000,  [1440x2560]-format:1
> 08-27 14:57:07.289 25316 25348 D GLOC    : retrace_eglMakeCurrent 281
> 08-27 14:57:07.289 25316 25348 D GLOC    : makeCurrent 178 with 4 params
> (readable extra)
> 08-27 14:57:07.289 25316 25348 D GLOC    : flushQueries 278
> 08-27 14:57:07.289  6853  6853 D SamsungIME: IMPL finishInput
> 08-27 14:57:07.289  6853  6853 D SamsungIME: onStartInput: No inputType,
> No imeOption, isInputViewShown = false, isExtractViewShown = false,
> isShowInputRequested = false, isConfigChanged = false
> 08-27 14:57:07.294  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff42c
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : retrace_eglCreateWindowSurface
> 178
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : createDrawable 124
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : createDrawableHelper 90
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : getVisual 61
> 08-27 14:57:07.294  3939  5234 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{a5c89d3 u0 d0
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/apitrace.github.io.eglretrace.RetraceActivity}:
> mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
> 08-27 14:57:07.294  2967  6727 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView]
> connect(P): already connected (cur=1 req=1)
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 E libEGL  : eglCreateWindowSurface:
> native_window_api_connect (win=0x89218008) failed (0xffffffea) (already
> connected to another API?)
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 E libEGL  : eglCreateWindowSurface:608
> error 3003 (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25316 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id:
> android.os.BinderProxy at 715d061 time:2006968
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : retrace_eglMakeCurrent 281
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : makeCurrent 178 with 4 params
> (readable extra)
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : flushQueries 278
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25348 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglChooseConfig 142
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglChooseConfig 142
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglCreateContext 223
> 08-27 14:57:07.294 25316 25349 D GLOC    : getVisual 61
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : EglContext 315
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglCreateWindowSurface
> 178
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : createDrawable 124
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : createDrawableHelper 90
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : getVisual 61
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  2967  3089 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView]
> connect(P): already connected (cur=1 req=1)
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 E libEGL  : eglCreateWindowSurface:
> native_window_api_connect (win=0x89218008) failed (0xffffffea) (already
> connected to another API?)
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 E libEGL  : eglCreateWindowSurface:608
> error 3003 (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : cStrBuilder 89 : cstring equal
> is /data/uppf/gatord-fc.sh
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglMakeCurrent 281
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : makeCurrent 178 with 4 params
> (readable extra)
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushQueries 278
> 08-27 14:57:07.299 25316 25349 D GLOC    : initContext 447
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  3939  4917 D InputDispatcher: setInputDispatchMode:
> enabled=1, frozen=1
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: id=159 createSurf
> (1440x2560),2 flag=4, TcreenshotS
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  3939  4917 V WindowOrientationListener:
> setCurrentAppOrientation :0
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  3939  4917 V WindowOrientationListener:
> OrientationSensorJudge.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  3939  4917 V WindowManager:
> rotationForOrientationLw(orient=0, last=0); user=0  sensorRotation=-1
> mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false mMobileKeyboardEnabled=false
> displayId=0
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  3939  4917 V WindowOrientationListener:
> OrientationSensorJudge.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  3939  4917 D SamsungWindowManager: setRotationLw() :
> rotation=1
> 08-27 14:57:07.299  3939  4917 D CustomFrequencyManagerService:
> acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 1900000  uid :
> 1000  pid : 3939  pkgName : ROTATION_BOOSTER at 33
> 08-27 14:57:07.304 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.304 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushQueries 278
> 08-27 14:57:07.304 25316 25348 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.319 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.319 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushQueries 278
> 08-27 14:57:07.324 25316 25348 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.329  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff42c
> 08-27 14:57:07.329  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff42c
> 08-27 14:57:07.334 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.334 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushQueries 278
> 08-27 14:57:07.334 25316 25348 D GLOC    : retrace_eglSwapBuffers 309
> 08-27 14:57:07.334 25316 25348 E libEGL  :
> eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR:1354 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
> 08-27 14:57:07.334 25316 25348 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.344  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: Disp[0] Orientation 0=>1
> 08-27 14:57:07.344  2967  2967 D hwcutils: MppFactory::MppFactory()
> 08-27 14:57:07.344  2967  2967 D         : virtual LibMpp*
> MppFactory::CreateMpp(int, int, int, int) dev(4) mode(0) drm(0),
> 08-27 14:57:07.344  2967  2967 D libexynosgscaler: LibMpp::LibMpp()
> 08-27 14:57:07.344  3939  4917 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {0
> 1.0 showBtnBg = 0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w640dp h336dp 640dpi nrml
> long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h mkbd/? s.16}
> 08-27 14:57:07.359 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.359 25316 25349 D GLOC    : flushQueries 278
> 08-27 14:57:07.359 25316 25348 D GLOC    : retrace_eglSwapBuffers 309
> 08-27 14:57:07.359 25316 25348 E libEGL  :
> eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR:1354 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
> 08-27 14:57:07.359 25316 25348 D GLOC    : flushRendering 886
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  7485  7485 D Mms/MmsApp: [start]
> onConfigurationChanged(), newConfig = {0 1.0 showBtnBg = 0 ?mcc?mnc en_US
> ldltr sw360dp w640dp h336dp 640dpi nrml long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
> mkbd/? s.16} consume time = 63791.039382
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  3939  4555 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input
> devices.  changes=0x00000004
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  3939  4555 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=1,
> name='sec_touchscreen', size 1440x2560, orientation 1, mode 1, display id 0
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  3939  4555 D InputReader: Wrote command
> set_rotation_status,1
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  3939  4555 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=7,
> name='sec_e-pen', size 1440x2560, orientation 1, mode 4, display id 0
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  6853  6853 V SamsungIME: onConfigurationChanged
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  7485  7485 D Mms/MmsApp: [end]
> onConfigurationChanged(), newConfig = {0 1.0 showBtnBg = 0 ?mcc?mnc en_US
> ldltr sw360dp w640dp h336dp 640dpi nrml long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
> mkbd/? s.16} consume time = 0.373834
> 08-27 14:57:07.369  3939  3962 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 15
> selection = getToastGravityEnabledState
> 08-27 14:57:07.374 22185 22185 D CenterBarWindow: onConfigurationChanged
> point = Point(1280, 720)
> 08-27 14:57:07.374  3939  3963 D ConnectivityService: returning
> getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state:
> CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "soc_employee_mobile",
> roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
> 08-27 14:57:07.374  3939  5325 D ConnectivityService: returning
> getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state:
> CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "soc_employee_mobile",
> roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
> 08-27 14:57:07.379  4665  4665 I PERF    : KeyguardViewMediator -
> onConfigurationChanged()
> 08-27 14:57:07.384  6853  6853 I SamsungIME: [Before]
> hardKeyboardHidden(2) keyboardType(1)
> 08-27 14:57:07.384  6853  6853 I SamsungIME:          mHwKeyboardShown
> [isHWKeyboardOpen()] = false --> false
> 08-27 14:57:07.384  6853  6853 E SamsungIME:
> isHWKeyboardConnected() = false --> false
> 08-27 14:57:07.384  6853  6853 I SamsungIME: [hasToCallSuper] true
> 08-27 14:57:07.384  6853  6853 D SamsungIME: onStartInput: No inputType,
> No imeOption, isInputViewShown = false, isExtractViewShown = false,
> isShowInputRequested = false, isConfigChanged = false
> 08-27 14:57:07.384  6853  6853 D SamsungIME: Dismiss ExpandCandiate
> 08-27 14:57:07.394  5283  5283 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT:
> ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=2
> 08-27 14:57:07.394  2967  7304 I SurfaceFlinger: id=156 Removed fglretrace
> (10/12)
> 08-27 14:57:07.394  2967  3092 I SurfaceFlinger: id=156 Removed fglretrace
> (-2/12)
> 08-27 14:57:07.394  2967  4565 I SurfaceFlinger: id=151 Removed Mauncher
> (4/11)
> 08-27 14:57:07.394  2967  3089 I SurfaceFlinger: id=151 Removed Mauncher
> (-2/11)
> 08-27 14:57:07.394  5133  5133 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbeffec54
> 08-27 14:57:07.399  3939  3939 D Tethering: NAP Supported and not Wifi
> Model
> 08-27 14:57:07.399  4665  4665 D Recents : handleProxyCall type=6
> 08-27 14:57:07.404 25316 25316 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT:
> ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=2
> 08-27 14:57:07.404  5133  5133 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns
> 0x3000,  [1920x2560]-format:2
> 08-27 14:57:07.404  3939  3939 E Tethering: No numeric data
> 08-27 14:57:07.404  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> WCS:144
> [0:0] action : androidintentactionCONFIGURATION_CHANGED
> 08-27 14:57:07.409  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff474
> 08-27 14:57:07.409  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff474
> 08-27 14:57:07.409  4857  4857 D Recents : handleProxyCall type=6
> 08-27 14:57:07.414 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceChanged 685
> 08-27 14:57:07.414 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceRedrawNeeded 694
> 08-27 14:57:07.414  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> WCW:32
> [0:0] action : actionCONFIGURATION_CHANGED
> 08-27 14:57:07.414  3939  4172 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur
> broadcast BroadcastRecord{34bdfc5 u0
> com.sec.android.widgetapp.ap.hero.accuweather.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
> qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{193df20
> 6363:com.sec.android.widgetapp.ap.hero.accuweather/u0a83}
> 08-27 14:57:07.419  4665  4665 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT:
> ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=2
> 08-27 14:57:07.419  4665  4665 D VisualEffectParticleEffect:
> onConfigurationChanged
> 08-27 14:57:07.419  4665  4665 D VisualEffectParticleEffect:
> resetOrientation
> 08-27 14:57:07.419  4665  4665 D VisualEffectParticleEffect: stage :
> 2560.0 x 1440.0
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  4665  4665 D PanelView: onConfigurationChanged
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> U:4190
> [0:0] getPWC : surface = 0, remote = 1
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  4665  4665 D PanelView: newConfig diff : 480
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> U:4389
> [0:0] Store PWC = 1
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  3939  5325 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{c3f8c09 u0 d0 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardClockView:
> onConfigurationChanged()
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardClockView: newConfig diff : 480
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardClockView:
> handleDelayedOnConfigurationChanged()
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> U:4250
> [0:0] addPWC = 1
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  2967  2967 D libexynosgscaler: virtual
> CGscaler::~CGscaler()
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  2967  2967 D libexynosgscaler: virtual
> LibMpp::~LibMpp()
> 08-27 14:57:07.424  2967  2967 D         : virtual
> MppFactory::~MppFactory()
> 08-27 14:57:07.429  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:308
> [0:0]  action:actionCONFIGURATION_CHANGED
> 08-27 14:57:07.429 24874 24884 D daemonapp: [MSC_Daemon]>>> WCP:1255 [0:0]
> cp update : count : 1, pt : 2
> 08-27 14:57:07.429  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:154
> [0:0] make widget 4x1 view!!!
> 08-27 14:57:07.429  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:156
> [0:0] make widget 4x2 view!!!
> 08-27 14:57:07.429 24874 24942 D daemonapp: [MSC_Daemon]>>> WCP:1143 [0:0]
> Provider query : content://apaccuweatherprovider/weatherinfo
> 08-27 14:57:07.429  3939  8253 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{3a48208 u0 d0 MultiWindowTrayService/CenterBar 0}:
> 08-27 14:57:07.434 22185 22185 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT:
> ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=2
> 08-27 14:57:07.434 22185 22185 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT:
> ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=2
> 08-27 14:57:07.434  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardClockView: updateClock() :
> Text Clock is inflated
> 08-27 14:57:07.439  2967  7304 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xb1bbf624
> 08-27 14:57:07.439 25316 25331 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns
> 0x3000,  [2560x1440]-format:1
> 08-27 14:57:07.449  3939  5324 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{3a48208 u0 d0 MultiWindowTrayService/CenterBar 0}:
> mDrawState=READY_TO_SHOW
> 08-27 14:57:07.449 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceChanged 685
> 08-27 14:57:07.449 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceRedrawNeeded 694
> 08-27 14:57:07.449  3939  6690 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{c3f8c09 u0 d0 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
> 08-27 14:57:07.449 24874 24884 D daemonapp: [MSC_Daemon]>>> WCP:1143 [0:0]
> Provider query : content://apaccuweatherprovider/settings
> 08-27 14:57:07.449  5133  5133 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xbeffecac
> 08-27 14:57:07.449  5133  5133 D WallpaperService: MSG_UPDATE_SURFACE
> 08-27 14:57:07.449  5133  5133 D WallpaperService: updateSurface
> 08-27 14:57:07.449  5133  5133 V WallpaperService: Changes: creating=false
> format=false size=true
> 08-27 14:57:07.449  5133  5133 V WallpaperService: mWidth:1920
> SurfaceWidth:2560 mHeight:2560 SurfaceHeigh:1920
> 08-27 14:57:07.454  4665  4665 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister
> callback for com.android.keyguard.sec.SecKeyguardClockSingleView$2 at 6d81c0a
> 08-27 14:57:07.454 24874 24885 D daemonapp: [MSC_Daemon]>>> WCP:1143 [0:0]
> Provider query : content://apaccuweatherprovider/settings
> 08-27 14:57:07.459  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff42c
> 08-27 14:57:07.459  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff48c
> 08-27 14:57:07.464 24874 24942 D daemonapp: [MSC_Daemon]>>> WCP:1143 [0:0]
> Provider query : content://apaccuweatherprovider/settings
> 08-27 14:57:07.464  5133  5133 V WallpaperService: Wallpaper size has
> changed: (2560, 1920)
> 08-27 14:57:07.464  5133  5133 V WallpaperService:
> onSurfaceChanged(android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine$1 at 274e7c8,
> 2, 2560, 1920): com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine at 715d061
> 08-27 14:57:07.464  5133  5133 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbeffeb84
> 08-27 14:57:07.469  5133  5133 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns
> 0x3000,  [2560x1920]-format:2
> 08-27 14:57:07.474 25316 25316 D GLOC    : onSurfaceRedrawNeeded 694
> 08-27 14:57:07.474  3939  3963 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{c3f8c09 u0 d0 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=READY_TO_SHOW
> 08-27 14:57:07.484  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardStatusUtils:
> regionalDateFormat = Mdy isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = E, MMM d
> 08-27 14:57:07.484  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardStatusUtils:
> regionalDateFormat = Mdy isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = E, MMM d
> 08-27 14:57:07.489  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardStatusUtils:
> regionalDateFormat = Mdy isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = E, MMM d
> 08-27 14:57:07.489  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> RU:73
> [0:0] get ww = 339, wh = 160span x = 4, span y = 2
> 08-27 14:57:07.489  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:181
> [0:0] get widget 4x2 view!!! wid = 2
> 08-27 14:57:07.489  3939  5264 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{a5c89d3 u0 d0
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/apitrace.github.io.eglretrace.RetraceActivity}:
> 08-27 14:57:07.489  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> RU:73
> [0:0] get ww = 339, wh = 160span x = 4, span y = 2
> 08-27 14:57:07.489  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:1013
> [0:0]  cUI : cnt = 0
> 08-27 14:57:07.489  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:1039
> [0:0]  composeEmptyCityUI : true
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  4665  4665 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register
> callback for com.android.keyguard.sec.SecKeyguardClockSingleView$2 at 44a02ae
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  4665  4665 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister
> callback for null
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> U:906
> [0:0] locale = en
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardStatusUtils:
> regionalDateFormat = Mdy isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = E, MMM d
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff42c
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> U:916
> [0:0] Locale format : MMM d, y
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardStatusUtils:
> regionalDateFormat = Mdy isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = E, MMM d
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff48c
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> U:937
> [0:0] locale = E, MMMM d
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  6363  6363 E accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:1579
> [0:0] bTM 14 57
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  6363  6363 E accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIM:1023
> [0:0] ========>>> mRefreshManagerisRefreshCompleted() = true
> 08-27 14:57:07.494  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> U:4349
> [0:0] Store PWC succeed
> 08-27 14:57:07.504  3939  4917 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur
> broadcast BroadcastRecord{34bdfc5 u0
> com.sec.android.widgetapp.ap.hero.accuweather.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
> qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{193df20
> 6363:com.sec.android.widgetapp.ap.hero.accuweather/u0a83}
> 08-27 14:57:07.509  5133  5133 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xbeffebdc
> 08-27 14:57:07.509  5133  5133 D WallpaperService: MSG_WINDOW_RESIZED
> 08-27 14:57:07.509  5133  5133 D WallpaperService: updateSurface
> 08-27 14:57:07.509  5133  5133 V WallpaperService: Changes: creating=false
> format=false size=false
> 08-27 14:57:07.509  5133  5133 V WallpaperService: mWidth:2560
> SurfaceWidth:2560 mHeight:1920 SurfaceHeigh:1920
> 08-27 14:57:07.509  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglInitialize EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff42c
> 08-27 14:57:07.509  2967  2967 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xbefff48c
> 08-27 14:57:07.514  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> WC:30
> [0:0] action : actionCONFIGURATION_CHANGED
> 08-27 14:57:07.519  6363  6363 D accuweather: [KK AccuPhone]>>> UIMEM:106
> [0:0] The widget does not exist in idle!!
> 08-27 14:57:07.519  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardStatusUtils:
> regionalDateFormat = Mdy isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = E, MMM d
> 08-27 14:57:07.524  4665  4665 I SecKeyguardClockSingleView: Ignore.
> Because it is same clock text
> 08-27 14:57:07.524  4665  4665 I SecKeyguardClockSingleView: Ignore.
> Because it is same clock text
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  5133  5133 V WallpaperService: Wallpaper size has
> changed: (2560, 1920)
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  3939  5325 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{7e92595 u0 d0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}:
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  3939  4336 I Timeline: Timeline:
> Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{a48b19d u0
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/.RetraceActivity t177} time:2007200
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  5283  5283 D Launcher.HomeView: onStop
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: id=160 createSurf
> (2880x2560),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: id=161 createSurf
> (1440x5120),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: id=162 createSurf
> (2880x2560),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  3939  4336 D CustomFrequencyManagerService:
> releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT
> frequency : 1800000  uid : 1000  pid : 3939  tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER at 3
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  3939  4336 D CustomFrequencyManagerService:
> FrequencyrequestList.getNextCStateDisableRequest, index: 0
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  3939  4336 D ActivityManager: mDVFSHelper.release()
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  3939  4336 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +227ms
> due to Window{a5c89d3 u0 d0
> apitrace.github.io.eglretrace/apitrace.github.io.eglretrace.RetraceActivity}
> 08-27 14:57:07.529  5283  5283 V ActivityThread: updateVisibility :
> ActivityRecord{87a381a token=android.os.BinderProxy at 39951e5
> {com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher}} show : false
> 08-27 14:57:07.534  2967  2967 I SurfaceFlinger: id=163 createSurf
> (1440x5120),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
> 08-27 14:57:07.534  3939  4336 D InputDispatcher: setInputDispatchMode:
> enabled=1, frozen=0
> 08-27 14:57:07.534  3939  4172 D CustomFrequencyManagerService:
> acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 1800000  uid :
> 1000  pid : 3939  pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER at 9
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel:
> onConfigurationChanged()
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel: newConfig diff : 480
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel:
> handleDelayedOnConfigurationChanged()
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel: adjustCellWidth
> mButtonWidth : 268, displayWidth : 2496
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel: updateButtonInfo
> mButtonWidth : 268 mColumns:8 orien: 2 mButtonCorrectionWidth:9
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel: setSingleLine:true
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel: adjustCellWidth
> mButtonWidth : 268, displayWidth : 2496
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel: updateButtonInfo
> mButtonWidth : 268 mColumns:8 orien: 2 mButtonCorrectionWidth:9
> 08-27 14:57:07.539  4665  4665 D StatusBar-QSPanel: setSingleLine
> height:372
> 08-27 14:57:07.544  4665  4665 D STATUSBAR-QSTileView:
> dynamicallyReduceTextSize: 0
> 08-27 14:57:07.549  5283  5283 D Launcher: onTrimMemory. Level: 20
> 08-27 14:57:07.549  3939  8253 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 15
> selection = getLockScreenHiddenItems
> 08-27 14:57:07.549  4665  4665 D CarrierText: updateCarrierText(): 0
> 08-27 14:57:07.549  4665  4665 D CarrierText: setText :  displayText = null
> 08-27 14:57:07.559  2967  6727 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xb1cff624
> 08-27 14:57:07.559  2967  6727 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay =
> 0xb1cff624
> 08-27 14:57:07.559  4665  5235 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns
> 0x3000,  [2560x96]-format:1
> 08-27 14:57:07.559  4665  4665 D BatteryMeterView: onDraw batteryColor :
> -1107296257
> 08-27 14:57:07.564  3939  5264 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing
> window Window{4868951 u0 d0 StatusBar}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
> 08-27 14:57:07.564  4665  4665 D StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews
> connected={ wifi } level=0
> combinedSignalIconId=0x7f020716/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_wifi_signal_4
> mobileLabel=No network connection wifiLabel="soc_employee_mobile"
> emergencyOnly=false combinedLabel="soc_employee_mobile" mAirplaneMode=false
> mDataActivity=0
> mPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f020877/com.android.systemui:drawable/tw_stat_sys_signal_null
> mQSPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f0201c8/com.android.systemui:drawable/ic_qs_signal_no_signal
> mDataDirectionIconId=0x0/(null)
> mDataSignalIconId=0x7f020877/com.android.systemui:drawable/tw_stat_sys_signal_null
> mDataTypeIconId=0x0/(null) mQSDataTypeIconId=0x0/(null)
> mNoSimIconId=0x0/(null)
> mWifiIconId=0x7f020716/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_wifi_signal_4
> mQSWifiIconId=0x7f0203cc/com.android.systemui:drawable/qs_tile_wifi_signal_4
> mWifiActivityIconId=0x7f0206c7/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_signal_no_inout
> mBluetoothTetherIconId=0x7f0206ed/com.android.systemui:drawable/stat_sys_tether_bluetooth
> 08-27 14:57:07.564  4665  4665 D StatusBar.NetworkController:
> refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
> 08-27 14:57:07.564  4665  4665 D StatusBar.NetworkController:
> refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
> 08-27 14:57:07.564  4665  4665 D StatusBar.NetworkController:
> refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
> 08-27 14:57:07.564  4665  4665 D StatusBar.NetworkController:
> refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)
> 08-27 14:57:07.569  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardClockView: updateCMASText()
> mOwnerInfo=android.widget.TextView{eed13b1 I.ED..C.. ..S...ID 720,0-720,86
> #7f0e03c1 app:id/keyguard_owner_info}
> 08-27 14:57:07.569  4665  4665 D SecKeyguardClockView: disableNoti = false
> 08-27 14:57:07.569 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglSwapBuffers 309
> 08-27 14:57:07.569 25316 25349 E libEGL  :
> eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR:1354 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
> 08-27 14:57:07.569 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglSwapBuffers 309
> 08-27 14:57:07.569 25316 25349 E libEGL  :
> eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR:1354 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
> 08-27 14:57:07.569 25316 25349 D GLOC    : retrace_eglSwapBuffers 309
> 08-27 14:57:07.569 25316 25349 E libEGL  :
> eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR:1354 error 300d (EGL_BAD_SURFACE)
> Best Regards,
> Hardik Patel
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