[AppStream] Minor spec naming change

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Mon Aug 8 22:56:00 UTC 2016


AppStream is providing two conceptually different formats (actually
three if you count the YAML as well):

Metainfo files or upstream-metadata, which are shipped by upstream
projects, and distro-metadata, which is a collection of metadata
shipped by the distributor.
The destinction between metainfo files and distro-metadata is very
important in the spec, because there are a couple of tags which are
only defined for distro-metadata, and a few tags (like <description/>)
behave differently between distro-metadata and metainfo files.

While metainfo is a widely established name for the data upstream
projects ship, there is no really useful name for the distro-metadata.
The spec calls is "distribution metadata" "distro metadata" or
"distro-xml" or sometimes simply "AppStream metadata".
Additionally, having "distribution" in there isn't accurate anymore,
since Snappy, Flatpak and others are or will be shipping AppStream

So, I would like to rename (or actually, give that thing a name) the
metadata that is shipped by vendors.
My preferred idea at time is to call the distro-metadata catalog data,
because it really is a software metadata catalog, containing multiple

So, the spec would only talk about metainfo data and catalog data (or
metainfo files and catalog files), avoiding the
different-names-for-the-same-thing confusion which currently exists
for the catalog data.

Does anyone see problems with that? This is a pure documentation /
spec wording change, and does not affect the format at all.
Also, if someone has a different name than catalog, I would like to hear it.


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