[AppStream] xml, convert to dep11 and bundle problem

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Wed Dec 21 11:04:25 UTC 2016

2016-12-21 11:05 GMT+01:00 Juanma Navarro <juanma1980 at gmail.com>:
> Hi all.
> I'm using appstream build form git (0.10.5) and I've a issue with the tag "bundle" when converting from xml to yml.
> I've defined on the xml a bundle tag for flatpak:
>  <bundle type="flatpak">flatpak_test</bundle>
> and when I convert with appstreamcli the xml to yml I get:
> Bundles:
> - type: limba
>   id: flatpak_test

That's a very strange bug, I'll fix this tonight when I'm back home.
You can resolve it too though, just making the "!=" a "==" here:
should resolve this issue.

> The first issue is that type shows as "limba" and not "flatpak". The second issue is that when I try to load the info (using appstreamglib) the bundle doesn't shows unless I change "Bundles:" to "Bundle:". Perhaps this last issue is not related to the conversion but with appstreamglib (package gir1.2-appstreamglib-1.0). Both issues are easily solvable but I don't know if they're a bug or if I'm missing something but I wanted to comment them just in case...

This seems to be a bug in AppStreamGlib - as immediate fix I suggest
to use libappstream instead ;-)
I assume this will be rather simple to resolve, so I'll submit a patch
for that later too.
Looks like the specification is also a bit stupid at that point, so
I'll clarify that too.

But in any case, what are you trying to do here? The appstreamcli
conversion is more a debugging tool than for use in production,
appstream-generator will do the actual metadata based on
And Flatpak handles the bundles tag all on its own, so you should
basically never have to add it manually.


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