[AppStream] Putting review data into AppStream

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 13:17:30 UTC 2016

Hey all,

I'm trying to juggle two things:

* To standardize on API for the ODRS review server so other apps can
trivially use it.
* To curate a set of verified reviews we can use offline for RHEL.

Both things could be done by returning results in AppStream format,
and with a few small tweaks we could remove a ton of JSON->C parsing
from various places. This would further cement AppStream into
relevance for other app-stores. I was thinking about something like
this as a schema:

  <review karma="35" date="2016-07-01" rating_percent="80">
    <summary>Looks great!</summary>
    <description><p>Long description with markup</p></description>
    <display_name>Richard Hughes</display_name>

Open for ideas. Thanks,


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