[AppStream] AppStream Generator 0.7.4 released!

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Sat Aug 4 08:45:49 UTC 2018

A new appstream-generator release is out now, fixing a few bugs and
adding a lot of improvements to the existing fonts support.

Tarballs available here: https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator/releases

Version 0.7.4
Released: 2018-08-04

 * Write CID<->GCID mapping table as additional output data (Matthias Klumpp)
 * Don't rebuild GLibD as part of asgen, use the shared library
instead (Matthias Klumpp)
 * Add hint to add launchable tag if .desktop file is missing (Matthias Klumpp)
 * Use posix_spawn codepath for optipng if possible via GLib (Matthias Klumpp)
 * Unconditionally add stock-type icon if desktop-file allows for it
(Matthias Klumpp)
 * Allow font languages to be specified in a languages tag (Matthias Klumpp)
 * Improve font language processing with metainfo hints (Matthias Klumpp)
 * fonts: Sort selected font styles, prefer regular style for samples
(Matthias Klumpp)
 * fonts: Use a random pangram for fonts supporting English (Matthias Klumpp)
 * fonts: Assume 100% language support for all locale mentioned in
font data (Matthias Klumpp)

 * Fix build with phobos 2.081 (Antonio Rojas)
 * Depend on non-broken Meson version (Matthias Klumpp)
 * fonts: Always prefer English for samples if font supports it
(Matthias Klumpp)
 * Initialize font icon lookup table only if there are fonts (Matthias Klumpp)

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